Σ 2.1.6 Patch Notes

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Stygian Watcher
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Same issue, launcher just keeps reinstalling
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I have such a problem, if I pump Veil King 13 times, then I cannot summon it, and when 12 times, then everything is fine. And I still can't summon him with Blackheart t4 (grim wand)
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Raato wrote:- Bend the Shadows: now shares cooldown with teleport-like skills

Thanks, fuck necro now

That's all it takes to make you hate necro lmao?
Necro is my second favorite char (probably first if we consider current ama trash) and I couldn't be any less bothered by this change.
Cow Ninja
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plastikman wrote:I have such a problem, if I pump Veil King 13 times, then I cannot summon it, and when 12 times, then everything is fine. And I still can't summon him with Blackheart t4 (grim wand)

what is your mana total and how much mana does VK cost
Stone Warrior
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Siosilvar wrote:
plastikman wrote:I have such a problem, if I pump Veil King 13 times, then I cannot summon it, and when 12 times, then everything is fine. And I still can't summon him with Blackheart t4 (grim wand)

what is your mana total and how much mana does VK cost

i didn`t check it )))
Edited by plastikman 2 years.
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how many times we need ot download this update ?
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Bodybags wrote:Same issue, launcher just keeps reinstalling

Any update on this? I'm having the same problem
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Launching the game via the game.exe seems to be a work around for now.
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Mod version: Unknown
Launcher Version: after update 2.1.3 is not running,
Restart again, again, again.............................................????????????????????????????????
what happend?