Σ 2.1 Bugs&Feedback

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I have terrible bug. Every boss charm that has chance to drop(ear, hammer or bird from sunless sea) never drops. I did three full runs sunless sea, two full rins 3kba, and 1 run for ear. Zero charms.
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Astral Guardian
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Wow, whole three runs? I once went 10 runs without a hammer drop and 6 runs without a ear. As for the sunless sea they drop bags that make the charm.
60 | 3
Wotan wrote:Wow, whole three runs? I once went 10 runs without a hammer drop and 6 runs without a ear. As for the sunless sea they drop bags that make the charm.

Thx for info about bags. If u have something else to share, keep on.
Stone Warrior
30 | 0
The Javelin Nova proc on the Amazon shield runeword "Heart of Skovos" does not work. It is supposed to be a 5% proc on block but after playing with it for several hours I basically never saw the proc go off. Even sitting in the middle of a pack of mobs for a minute or two with 50% block it never procced. I have randomly seen it go off maybe 3-4 times over the course of several hours but thats it and I'm not sure why it went off those few times or if it actually did damage.

Hopefully this can be fixed, it seemed like this RW would be nice competition for a farming shield with Danmaku but without the proc it's just not good enough.
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Wotan wrote:Wow, whole three runs? I once went 10 runs without a hammer drop and 6 runs without a ear. As for the sunless sea they drop bags that make the charm.

I once made a new char, opened inventory and it was empty - zero charms. I tried to make new char few more times - same luck. Please fix.
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Spirit of Giyua fight turned from bad to worse. How is that even possible ? Easy, area is pre-spawned with those annoying nest and they have too much hp to begin with. Yes, get more damage bla bla bla. Funny how boss area has 3-4 nest around covering everything and when you kill one, the new one is already there around the corner. Bring back purify to this fight. But the real purify, not that bug fest from previous patch.
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For the love of God give us back the ability to downgrade runes. At least not enchanted ones. Why do devs take QOLs away from players? Why is this mod taking kinda grindfest way? Player retention? New players friendliness? When I discovered MXL there was nothing for new players, no guides, no twitch, pretty much no youtube and this is why I stayed and loved it. This was a whole new world to discover.
Years ago POE used to steal best practices from MXL. Looks like it's vice versa now but for worst practises. Remember ultimative when we only had to farm some cows to get to 121 to be able to use xis. All we do now is grinding rifts...
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oztor wrote:For the love of God give us back the ability to downgrade runes. At least not enchanted ones. Why do devs take QOLs away from players? Why is this mod taking kinda grindfest way? Player retention? New players friendliness? When I discovered MXL there was nothing for new players, no guides, no twitch, pretty much no youtube and this is why I stayed and loved it. This was a whole new world to discover.
Years ago POE used to steal best practices from MXL. Looks like it's vice versa now but for worst practises. Remember ultimative when we only had to farm some cows to get to 121 to be able to use xis. All we do now is grinding rifts...

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Idea ; A recipie using perfect gems that make dyes related to the gem associated color. Something simple and easy like gem+oil of craft+arcane shard = dye.
Perfect gems being useless for crafting now that the rw unsocket recipie is done is a bit sad, and dyes being related to Lab doesn't makes any sense whatsoever, not to mention that it's way too late in the game for cosmetics.
A "make item invisible" dye would be cool as well, if possible.
Thunder Beetle
55 | 1
any chance to see purify used on obelisk in dlabs rather than accidently destroying them and getting to face Astrogha or Archbishop Lazarus to just die for a stupid reason?same with legion boss's statues/pillars,using purify rather than destroying them would make the dungeon more polished and manageable