Scosglen farm opinion

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Hello, what are you guys opinion on farming scosglen?

For me it’s very unrewarding for the effort and time it take to clear compared to farming Duncraig which is 5minutes, sure it’s higher zone can drop better loot but it doesn’t really drop any loot, it’s very unrewarding.

The introduction of Corrupted Druids is a nice feature but the treasure drop doesn’t feel like a satisfying reward because it’s guaranteed drop and because you need enchanted runes to open it and when it’s guaranteed drop you need a lot of runes because you’ll get like 5,6,7 treasures in a run and since scosglen is supposed to have increased drop to enchanted runes I often come out with 0-1 enchanted runes and the treasures take up so much inventory room.

My ideas.
1. Make Etherborn have 50% chance to drop 1 Arcane Crystal and remove chance of 2 drop or reduce AC cost to open treasure to 1.
2. Buff summoning trees (forgot name) significantly so enchanted runes drop more frequently, not all runes of course but maybe from Ol to Ka, the lower tier runes so you can open your treasures when you are done because if you only get 0-1 maybe 2 in a run but 5-7 treasure then it adds up quickly over multiple runs.

I like scosglen, it’s more challenging and it has its potential but it need some tweaks and improvements so it feels a little more rewarding.
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Scosglen is very rewarding once you get a good clear speed.
Pit Knight
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Clear speed doesn’t make it better, if you clear it faster you just stack up treasures faster but doesn’t help with the low amount of runes and other items the zone gives, the game is rng based and maybe you feel it’s very rewarding because you’re lucky but I have yet to have a good run and it doesn’t matter if you clear in 15min or 30min
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kenodv wrote:Clear speed doesn’t make it better, if you clear it faster you just stack up treasures faster but doesn’t help with the low amount of runes and other items the zone gives, the game is rng based and maybe you feel it’s very rewarding because you’re lucky but I have yet to have a good run and it doesn’t matter if you clear in 15min or 30min

Its very build-dependent. Totem/Xbow clears it pretty well. Same with cold sorc. You're a bowa if I'm not mistaken so you're gonna get globaled over and over again. I'm able to do it very slowly (as you've seen) but that damn conjurer or w/e his name is is a real pain in the ass. Gotta do the counter clockwise shuffle to keep those Hunting Banshees from annihilating you. Shoot, move, shoot, move, shoot, move, etc.. I won't broach class balance cuz its a dead-end topic on this toxic forum but its clear that certain builds have absolute hegemony over scos.
Pit Knight
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Honkler wrote:
kenodv wrote:Clear speed doesn’t make it better, if you clear it faster you just stack up treasures faster but doesn’t help with the low amount of runes and other items the zone gives, the game is rng based and maybe you feel it’s very rewarding because you’re lucky but I have yet to have a good run and it doesn’t matter if you clear in 15min or 30min

Its very build-dependent. Totem/Xbow clears it pretty well. Same with cold sorc. You're a bowa if I'm not mistaken so you're gonna get globaled over and over again. I'm able to do it very slowly (as you've seen) but that damn conjurer or w/e his name is is a real pain in the ass. Gotta do the counter clockwise shuffle to keep those Hunting Banshees from annihilating you. Shoot, move, shoot, move, shoot, move, etc.. I won't broach class balance cuz its a dead-end topic on this toxic forum but its clear that certain builds have absolute hegemony over scos.

Hey honkler how you been buddy.

Yeah I’m bow but I clear is somewhat fine by myself, druids do take longer but it’s not druids that drop items, I don’t care much about treasures because you are guaranteed to be swimming in them after a couple of runs because if you don’t buy runes off others you’ll never find enough to open them and eventually you’ll have to make several mule characters because you’ll have 50 lying around.
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Yea, I think either increasing AC/Rune drops or making treasures more rare + more rewarding would make farming scos a lot more satisfying.

I think another problem is that the corruption rewards don't seem to be worth risking a good item. So getting the crystals/shards in the boxes isn't all that exciting either.
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kenodv wrote:It’s higher zone can drop better loot but it doesn’t really drop any loot.

Agreed, scosglen is more difficult than it was in 2.0. I (Totem Nec) can use about 10 minutes to clear most of Fauztinville, but only a few number of elite monsters(Summon Tree or Element) in Scosglen. So the answer of 2.1 is farming Fauztinville?
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Faulk wrote:making treasures more rare + more rewarding would make farming scos a lot more satisfying.

I second that. If treasures say drop with a 1/6 chance instead of 100% and give measurable progress towards the quest (even if it's 2% of the charm), it will still feel good. Right now it feels like I'm wasting arcane crystals most of the time. Removing the arcane crystal cost is also an option then, since the reduction in drop rate would also mean a reduction in item drop from them and crystals are in increasing demand with both labs and scosglen devouring their stocks.

Also, it would be nice if Scosglen was once again included in the XP curve somewhere.

I like everything else about the area.
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Here’s my piece on Scos 2.1:

The new Druids, the auras that empower the mobs, all that - it’s just awesome. Players who don’t want to deal with this can just walk another direction temporarily and come back to find the Ominous thingy has de-spawned, or eventually circle back to clean up.

The boxes are great, and I like how the higher runes guarantee a tenet design along with potentially other nice items. Extra tenets are always welcome as they have huge trade value. After I’m guessing 50 or so “low rune boxes”, I finally opened an Elq (2) to a tenet design. A few had opened to other nice things like lottod jewel, UMOs, etc.

Piggybacking off someone’s prior comment:
I find that there is a good balance between farming ACs and farming the Fiacla boxes. I’d say I average about 10-12AC per run and 5-6 boxes per run, so these balance out.
HOWEVER, I’d say I average only about 3-4 enhanced runes per run, so this is the bottleneck causing boxes to pile up in mules to the point I just want to skip Druids for long stretches.
If enhanced runes had a slight bump in drop rate it would be perfect
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altoiddealer wrote:I’d say I average about 10-12AC per run

Oo that's around 10 more than i'm getting