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One of the early themes of this mecha/war series is racism, unfortunately it's completely botched and makes the couple first episodes really boring before it gets good.

IRL any population group being discriminated always have a reason for being discriminated against, whereas the victims in this show are absolutely perfect, selfless, idealistic, brave etc and their only fault is the color of their hair (meanwhile the oppressors besides MC loli saber evergarden are all drunk, uncaring and whatnot) so it all falls completely flat and force fed. It's basically the animu presentation of racism. Whether it's incompetence or intentional sabotage is a mystery... or maybe the republic is meant to represent china and the feds japan... fuck knows don't care.

The characters continue on the same line and are utterly forgettable anime tropes. I literally don't remember the names of the main side characters despite just watching it. Their purpose is mostly to repeat the male MC's nickname over and over to make sure it sticks.

The one thing this show does well is the sci-fi backdrop worldbuilding, eg. the initially boring enemies are actually by far the most interesting part of this series and carries it hard through the bad start.

It's watchable (depending on your pain tolerance for bad writing) but I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it. Could have been so much better, if anything it's getting worse in the '2nd' part.
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Like father, like daughter.

I will be lying to say I rather binge whole series rather than watching it weekly. To be honest, I personally would love to able watch whole season from start to finish, but since Im havent review for a while (since I cant push myself to finish any series im watching), Im reviewing first 12 episodes of this.

If you not a fan of jojo, this part 6 probably the best entry IMO for you start watching. The strength of this part is that it didnt spend too much setting up the backstory & straight to action. Every episodes have very intense battle with everyone bizarre ability. Every episode is setup with a simple premise to trying to beat certain unfair circumstances, so our protagonist using her intellect to outsmart her enemy. All battle is well animate, thanks to usual david production.

Although I will say there is still small weak part about this series (at least for first 12 episodes). Somehow the anime started with some gross or gore from the get go just to sell how intense series is. Thankfully it was only couple of episodes and it straight go to intense combat. There some interesting side characters for our protagonist, but so far mostly they are only involved in 1 battle. Too bad I have to wait for months before other 12 episodes airing.

If you werent into Jojo because you have to watch earlier part, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this part since I think it much lower barrier for entry. I didnt think jojo could get any better after part 4 & 5, yet it is much better now in many aspect.
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Riot's response to DotA - Dragon's Blood, except it's like comparing Star Wars - The Bad Batch to Return of the Jedi.

Everything from the shitty shallow writing, the awful music, muh deep characters, it's clear the target audience are like 12 yo wannabe lesbians or something. It tries oh so hard to be serious and fails utterly.

Overall it's barely watchable, the 9.4 imdb rating is a complete travesty. It's like all the $$$ went into buying off reviewers and the animation instead hiring a decent fucking writer.

Just watch Dragon's Blood instead.
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More like the same, as usual
Season 2 of anime of what I considered old school 2000s anime. Long stretch of shounen series that feel random & lack of proper story progression. Season 2 tried to sell protagonist's split personality, but it lasted only 3 episodes.

Main plot pretty much the same from the first season, our protagonist have been sold to a demon lord where he must go to a demon school while keeping his human identity as secret. In meantime, he also need to keep improving his skill while attending school, at same time managing his relationship with various friend in the school. He is goody boy who tried to be friendly with all characters, making him one of the favourite in the school. Season 2 also seem emphasize on couple of other side characters, hence while it feel like more filler.

The negative way i can say is that the series feel much the same / weaker than 1st season. To many episodes that focused on side activities that arent related to main plot point. There are 1 arc related some big enemy fight, but at the end it resolved in comedic way. I will be honest to say that the comedic style of the anime is not for me, hence why im struggled to binge this anime for a while. Most probably because i was burned out and getting bored from the series.

The anime got high score on MAL is probably because only the fan of the anime watch this. I think 1st season is above average, but this season 2 is just average to me. Go watch the anime funny moment to see if it tickle your funny bone, then maybe finally you can watch both seasons & have fun more than me.
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Is this a bigger crossover than Avengers Endgame?

My friend on a discord cant stop mentioning about this series, since they are the VN player who have been playing all of the Keys VNs. Im just someone who watched most of the Keys + KyoAni and probably missed references from couple of series (Little Busters, Rewrite)

The moment anime started, the whole nostalgia memories since 15 years ago rushing back to me. KyoAni was among the time that I took anime seriously, at least to a point I watched more genre than just naruto or famous franchise. It played several theme from the series in couple of area, as well as some important moments from their own original series. Most of the voice actors also came back to voice their characters (at least they sounded like one), perfect to differentiate inbetween huge casts of them.

However this anime is not for everyone. Unless you watch maybe 3 anime used in this anime, you will be lose & not getting any references. Not to mention that there are major spoiler throw here & there, for sake of a joke. Even as chibi form, it used as a joke inside this series making several self-aware that made it funnier. However, some purist might hate it as it also changed several characters for comedic purpose, although i see as a way to "character development" despite there is none in this.

Watch this only if you have watched any of previous Keys titles. As comedy anime, it is just too short & probably can only work if you liked certain visual gags style. Overall, this is great nostalgia trip for me, much better than other crossover spinoff.
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Severe communication breakdowns

One highly anticipated anime in 2021, I didnt expect much from it aside from seeing random cute anime gif online. Im abit skeptical since comedy can be hit & miss for me, especially if it slice of life & school life setting.

Oh my god, how wrong I was. From the impressive 1st episode, this anime managed to pull me to watch from beginning until the end. The series started serious with a simple goal wanting to make 100 friends, she try to make friend 1 by 1 with help from a boy. They begin a journey from a close friend, toward weird character like stalker, librarian, ninja etc. Despite the comedy sometimes felt flat, but the way anime manged to deliver visual gag entertained me so much.

Not doubt, no anime is perfect. So this anime will be subjective if you can resonate with its comedy style or not. I personally enjoy this, as there is no weird, cringe or absurd. Because of visual comedy style, expect some fast cut or comic panel style delivery. The anime also emphasize alot of text in the beginning, abit jarring to read all the translation note (unless you can read japanese). The story try to balance between cute & comedy, so sometimes it can be random style switch between normal & chibi forms.

I highly recommend this, even if you dont like its comedy style, Im sure there are some funny moments & easygoing slice of life story that super entertaining. Again, dont expect romance from this story though.
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Aquarium is a gateway to the ocean

Again, saw this recommendation on my discord. I know it was made by PA Works, who usually do typical story what i called "Slice of Works" and coming of age, with beautiful theme. So I kinda know what to expect from this series.

Story is focus on 2 main girls where each of them have a dream to achieve, destined to meet each other in rural rundown aquarium. Together with other caretaker, they build their friendship & meet a lot of new people. Everyday is a challenges, they tried their best to save sea creatures lives in their own way. The story are told in 2 different arc (1 cour or 12 episode each) that showing contrast in working world while keeping the same aquatic theme. The moment in the series are beautiful, perhaps abit too mundane for most viewer.

Just take note the series focus a lot on the 2 main girls, each work like a pair that fulfill the others. Hence why I said i feel like a yuri-bait, although mostly are their friendship bonding for working in the same place. The series tried to create some sort of drama in every episodes, thus it can be feel predictable. The 2 arc story wise have its own up & down, but it mostly down to mundane work & social life. As someone who work in office in office, this feel nice to me, as I no longer hang out with friends like I used to.

The series is beautiful, expected from anime studio. You can learn alot of sea life here, although I would say the anime is not for everyone. I love most the moment of this series, although i would say majority of the series are closest to heartwarming feeling than excitement or extreme sadness.
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Before you open the spoiler about the this review, give a video link a watch.
If you enjoyed it, then you can read my review.

► Show Spoiler


It feel like a crime if I just shared you one song and expect you to get hooked with it like I did.
Some of the songs in the series are just too beautiful that you have to read lyrics to understand what I felt.
There is small hint of spoiler though, so I suggest only read after you finished the series.
Insert song playlist, with english lyrics.

My fav : Insert Ep3, Ep1, Ep2, Ep 9, 12

Again the franchise is kinda start with stage / original anime, but now moved to mobile game and more live concert.
Below is the playlist for live action version. I dont expect everyone to like it, but it kinda nice comparison to anime version.
The live action also contain spoiler, as it is 1 to 1 revue adaptation.
Live Action 2 : Playlist.

*I forgot to mention that I kept getting goosebumped during transformation scene.

I cant stop watch stuff related to this anime. Watch the post series review if you still confused about whole series, should be enough to get all those concept & theme from the series, at the end of the review in the spoiler.
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Even the finest wine can turn to stale eh?

A friend on discord mentioned that this among the best isekai he watched, so immediately I watched this with high expectation. The extra info i learnt while watching is that this is from same writer who wrote the infamous Redo of Healer.

Just take note, I put high expectation from this anime. Afterall, we had too many boring cliche isekai anime that feel run out of fresh ideas. The series start with a bang, showing the whole team assassination job as everyone skillfully execute the plan. Then we go back to MC original life, where working as assassin under some shady organization. Under some circumstance, he was reborn as powerful as he can which a condition, to kill someone required by the goddess to bring balance to the world.

The start really strong, we see couple of interesting thing with origin of our MC. As the story decided to start story from being a kid to MC became older, he learnt on how to be poweful assassin. My problem with the series that it become straight back to generic MC with powerful abilities that have no challenges. He then saved couple of girls which finally became somewhat his partners in his "harem". There isnt much action in the series either, only couple of beautiful magic effect here and there. The calculative part also somewhat... meh.

Im disappointed with it. It had good start no gonna lie. I also have several aspect that different from many other average isekai anime, but I just feel meh by the mid point of the anime. Not good fanservice either. Watch this with lower expecation than i did.
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Another weird recommendation in my other discord, saw them keep uploading the screenshots from every episodes. I heard it is pretty decent manga, although i have no expectation from it.

This anime is straight forward about story of a girl who suddenly able to see ghosts around here. Most of the ghost design are pretty scary & there are just so many unsettling scenes in the series. There are couple of ghosts with reasoning & theme behind each of them, making unique story in own way. Because the girl need to avoid eye contact with the ghost, there are just many scenes where she need to act like normal even when around her friends. There are some comedic moment in the series, but mostly supernatural.

I dunno how to rate this series to be honest. As atmospheric unsettling horror anime, it is pretty good. But at same times also it feel like normal slice of life story about girl in daily life, struggle to avoid ghost while hanging out with friends. Despite there is some small story in each of the episodes, the overall story plot feel nothing. There is nothing much character development aside from the MC learn more to cope with her situation. She weirdly monologue alot in the episodes, combine with weird artstyle.

Only watch this if you can stand unsettling stuff. I wouldnt watch / recommend it since it just too weird. Despite you have option to play with whole medium of anime, the anime emphasize too much on gross design.