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@Dude Love: thanks man, I'll check it out and add the changes! :)

@Dakoon: yeah I think it's supposed to say Jail 1-3. thanks! also, nice first post, have a cookie :D
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hi queerinus :D
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ello xD
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Plz no off topic or u get ban :mrgreen:
My hands have been itching for it!
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Quirinus wrote:ello xD

please stop off topic already.
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hi all,
so i read docs and found this: Paladin Skill Levels +4 Paladin Shield, Paladin Club, Paladin Mace, 2h Paladin Hammer, Paladin Spear, Paladin Helm
so i took
Hadriel's Avenger
Hadriel's Avenger
Spiked Club (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 42 to 46
Required Level: 90
Required Strength:
Item Level: 1
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
+(3 to 4) to Paladin Skill Levels
20% Cast Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
+(25 to 35)% to Physical/Magic Spell Damage
+(25 to 35)% to Fire Spell Damage
+50 to Energy
+(31 to 50) Life after each Kill
+(16 to 25) Mana after each Kill
Requirements -50%
Socketed (3)

Hadriel's Lore
(Paladin Dragon Set)
, and 12 shrines and used them all. got 0 times +4 to pala skills, even though +3 to skills happend a lot of times.
+3 to all skills have frequency 1428, +4 to skills - 1827, which is considered more likely to happen.
so, is this bug with docs or client, or i did smth wrong? im using latest patch, playing offline.
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4 skills is more likely to appear than 3 skills. you can see what each column means by hovering over the column name.

you're just unlucky.
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there's an outdated info about the character orb on the page of "item with oskills" . at the top of the page @Charm charges it still says that you can get blink from upgraded character orb .
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thanks Chuck
"but if it's simple it's not that hard" - Quirinus 2017
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Edited by Unda 8 years.