The Blood Knight

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Added quick links, that use the new code (thanks to suchbalance). Might be helpful if you're want to take a quick look at something :wink:
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Looks good, Stealth. Maybe I should make some sort of a bbcode that formats a list with borders, background and other stuff to make a proper content table? If you have any design ideas let me know.
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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suchbalance wrote:a bbcode that formats a list with borders, background and other stuff to make a proper content table? If you have any design ideas let me know.
i've been dreaming about a background that looks like something like this ever since the item bb codes were implemented , the inventory you got in game where you can insert the item bb codes for people to check the gear you used instead of making a long gear list / screenshots of the item .

you can have a look at the Terrorblade miniguide early game gearing as example of what i meant and combine it with the image uploaded above . that's what i'd love to see :yay:
38 | 4
I have to give you a cookie (as soon as i figure out how to do that :bounce: ) . This is what i call a guide . I remember when MXL was young and builds were like hey guys i have sacred items and i will make a guide . UMAD? Sadly MXL guides don't sum up to anything that exceeds unity like Median 2008 builds that were selfusticient and adding some item combos together would increase power manyfold .

Sadly i can't give thumbs up but i am glad you mentioned a good early and midgame section as well as :
- Gabriel RW that nobody uses
-the awesome Balefire proc i first noticed when fiddling with Median Hardened
- Taqyia usage
- The fact that lemures do a bad job at protecting you because it takes time for stuff to die while Blood Thorns create a safezone in front . Let's remember how many people advocated for 1 pt thorns max lemures
- Rainbowcleave is a good item but i think you could elaborate on why items like Death Pit stake is bad (low attackspeed) , Herr Donner (low aoe proc and you lose skills + elemental dmg) and so on
- I would like to add that for UMP Shadow Avatar works while in Terror Strike so it can be used to kill stationary targets you can't get close to at a given time and that need to die asap
- I am glad you didn't pick eazymode buildmaking like use hivemind , use skills win game
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I'm new to this game, so there is a lot I still don't get.
Can you tell me how to obtain those procs and oskill? And gear location too?
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Lightning arena oskill is obtainable from rare (yellow) amulets. Vendors sell Oils of Renewal that are needed for rerolling your amulet.

Get Balefire proc from a rare/crafted crystal sword that you find in any location beyond Chaos Sanctuary on Terror difficulty. Collect every shrine you get and use shrinecrafting recipe on your sword.
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Not sure if has been said yet, but in mid game Crystal Sword description it reads "Crystal Sword range 1, Flail range 2".
Actually Crystal Swords have range 2 and Flails have range 3.
It doesn't really matter, everyone gets the gist of it, but I still can't resist pointing it out. :mrgreen:
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Where did you get that info? I was referring to the documentation.
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Thanks a lot. And about the Terror difficulty. Is it automatically change when I get to later act, or it is like a New game+ ?
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When you kill Baal on Hatred, you gain a new rank and after that you get kicked to character menu. Then you select your char for a New Game and may choose between Hatred or Terror difficulty (useful if you want to complete LC1/Ennead challenge on SP without losing your map roll). Same rule applies later for Terror Baal.