The Bowazon

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Manglers are a very real problem for me. I'm quite undergeared and wyrmshot doesn't yet have the kind of range needed to safely deal with them. It's especially bad when I'm kiting a group of mobs and manglers appear on the edge of the screen and I don't have the reflexes (or char doesn't have the speed) to dodge their attack or blink away. Hope It'll get better, although I can already see things like Hephasto being problematic. Tips?

Edit: I'm talking Hatred difficulty by the way.

By the way good job on the new gear layout :D
Midgame gear option 2 is missing the "hover to popup item" thingamajig, don't know if it's by design since they're crafts with many possible good combinations of stats.
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Food wrote:Manglers are a very real problem for me. I'm quite undergeared and wyrmshot doesn't yet have the kind of range needed to safely deal with them. It's especially bad when I'm kiting a group of mobs and manglers appear on the edge of the screen and I don't have the reflexes (or char doesn't have the speed) to dodge their attack or blink away. Hope It'll get better, although I can already see things like Hephasto being problematic. Tips?

Yes physical damage, hard hitting mobs, whose attack is hard to dodge are always a problem until you have a big life total and some physical damage reduction. These include Manglers, Cruciators (elite quill rats that rarely spawn in durance of hate), Gothis (wyrd casting elites in a4), and of course goatmen elite shamans (on death widowmaker proc). Sniping them from a distance with Wyrmshot and taking cover behind objects is very helpful.

Food wrote:don't know if it's by design since they're crafts with many possible good combinations of stats.

Yes exactly. Also because it is a relatively unimportant slot. I suppose I could add a tooltip with recommended & optional stats which are nice, kind of like the rare jewellery.
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im sure u mentioned it somewhere but i didnt find it so ^^ anyway the question is , do i put 10x 2%LL orb in my horned bow??? caus im lacking of life regeneration so i get killed fast, btw im trying to fallow your build but items are hard to get anyway i wear this :

Horned hunter stag bow, asgardseria helm, hratli, Kali Rw in leather gloves, toesie warmer, ghal Rw in belt, locust hive.

im not sure but i think i have to craft gloves and boot with dex%%.
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ED to 350 first then LL, yes. You're not supposed to be tanking with this build. It is weak versus physical damage. Melee attackers should die before reaching you. Ranged attackers' projectiles should be dodged as much as possible.
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Ok but is it normal that i need almost 16x hp pots to clear the entrance on sewer and dunc ?? And hmm are there more cheap options then the end game boot, gloves and belt that mentioned??

And hmm i probably need some practice biut sewer is hard ^^ maybe more point in the sun skill ( i mean the first bow tree skill ) for xtra whymshot range should help me.
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Hey such, what do you recommend I mo'd my arrowsider quiver, if anything?
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Depends on your other items. If you are using SSU Stag Bow & SSU Spangenhelm (items that easily get you 100 pierce all) then Marksman orbs are the best.

Otherwise -enemy elemental resistances.
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speaking of bowazon, i made video. just posted in my thread if you want you can paste it in guide, as gameplay video
Rust Claw
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Thanks for the guide, have been following it and it' has been fun up to the point where i am, where it's....not fun O_o

I am currently at the "Early game farming" part of the guide, done the uberquests listed that we can do and killed destruction Baal, what i have a really un-fun time with, is the gear farming to get mid-game items as they seem to be super ultra rare, example would be that you might as well forget about the Pantheon set as it would require about 7 days of 12hours (or more) per day to get it or more depending on rng, really unacceptable since that is too much time just to get mid-game stuff....

And then crafting the Typhaon bow which is listed as a mid-game bow, holy shit...killing mobs in fauztinville with early-game items is really slow and i die about 30-50 times per time i go there, iobviously do not do full clears and remake the game when i notice that mobs swarms my body, not to mention that apparently Ghal rune is a 8/4974 chance to drop ( 0.00161~% drop chance) so 1000 kills gives you aabout 1,6% chance to have it dropped, rather frustrating when i only have early-game items O_o

I haven't actually gotten past the early-game farming part yet simply because drop-rates are non-existent on mid-game items which i find fucking retarded (it's mid-game items, why does mid-game set items have to be rare as heck? trading is dead on multiplayer, so trading is useless in multiplayer, i tried for many hours already, no one is trading for set items).

I spent 6 days farming for set items in river of flames on single player (12+ hours each day) and finished 3 sets, but only had 2 set items from Pantheon and realized i did not want to be bored anymore so i went and made a multiplayer character, leveled to 120, came to the same progress as on single player but seeing as no one is trading on multiplayer it was just a waste of my time.

Anyone got any suggestions as to make mid-game farming faster? seems like a huge time investment for something that isn't late-game items. Would not be opposed to making another character just to farm an area to get items for my bowazon if that would help.

Also curious about mercenary, what gear should i get for the ac2 Exemplar and is he better than Bloodmage? (another user said Bloodmage is better and that is kills mobs really fast).

P.S: Your guide is great, enjoying it a lot, what's making it not so fun are the drop-rates :P
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If u can handle farm TA, K3KBA, and Griswolrd for special box. other than that farm areas with high elite mobs density like sewers in ac2, arreat plateu (a5) or frozen tundra(a5). Also u can use Ix (bows) and Ber (amazon bows) rw to upgrade your gear. Also get hanabigami asap if u dont have it already.