the only reason why i cant play more *feelsbadman*

Discuss Median XL!
Stone Warrior
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so here is my problem recently ive noticed that my age is getting to me, my hands especially my index finger tend to hurt after playing MXL for like 1 hour or 2 thats why i havent played for a bunch of ladders and i wanted to ask if there is any way i could rebind some stuff like attacking to the keyboard without having "move" get removed from my LMB.
as a exanmple have shift +W cast widowmaker, which is on idk RMB or LMB but use LMB to walk or something.

a big thing that would also help is having simply more "slots" to work with but idk if that has been requested before or nah

if this is in the wrong place or if i violate any ToS, close the thread and delete it but give me a msg please :D .
Cow Ninja
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Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements. :-D
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What i personally do when having hand pains is using d2stats mark the "continue attacking when enemies die under cursor" then hold right click> open inventory> release right click in the inventory> close inventory, this way the game works as if you where spaming the right click until you click again (if you do it on any kind of page like the skill or stats one the game wont count it as a click) and you can play without clicking most of the tine, you will have to repeat this everytime you stop for picking item or entering any portal but it is still way less clicking
Pit Knight
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I wrote a little ahk script in the past, which makes next things
* auto move, press Q button and char will move to the cursor until you press any other key, no need to hold LMB
* real hotkeys, press key (E for example) and it not only switch to E skill, but also presses RMB so it releases this skill at the same time. No need to press RMB at all.
* auto attack, press skill btn (W for example) and it switches to corresponding skill, presses RMB and hold it, until you press move or any other skill. Again no need to hold RMB.

But it was deleted immediately by moderaotor, because "ahk scripts is forbidden" :(
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Slain Soul
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asadasa wrote:What i personally do when having hand pains is using d2stats mark the "continue attacking when enemies die under cursor" then hold right click> open inventory> release right click in the inventory> close inventory, this way the game works as if you where spaming the right click until you click again (if you do it on any kind of page like the skill or stats one the game wont count it as a click) and you can play without clicking most of the tine, you will have to repeat this everytime you stop for picking item or entering any portal but it is still way less clicking

Couldn't you essentially use any auto clicker to accomplish this?
Cow Ninja
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Please don't turn this into an AHK discussion thread. AHK was blanket banned a few years ago becauss some people can't restrict themselves to QoL changes or hand-savers like this and were just botting.

I will say again: keep an eye out for announcements. If all goes well, there might be a little something next season for you.