Σ 2.3 Bugs&Feedback

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Siosilvar wrote:
Jeromad wrote:Hi there,
I don,t know if this is a bug or intended but the Necklace from the Sorceress Vizjun Set seems to have an abnormally high drop rate, to the point where it seriously impacts the droprate of other Set Items.
The Ratio is something around 1/10 at least (Meaning 10 Necklaces for one other Set Item)
The only time i didn,t get a bunch of those Necklaces was when i killed a Rift Inspector Goblin. Treasure Goblins practically always drop 2-3 Vizjun Necks guaranteed but i have yet to see a single one drop a piece of any other set or a different piece of the Vizjun set.
Oh and the 1/10 Ratio is for Kurast 3000 BA!. Outside its more like 1/20 if not more.
This makes hunting for the Sets seriously annoying.
To clarify: I don,t mind the farm but i do mind if out of 20 or so Set Pieces i see during a Kurast run 18 are the same piece.
The only upside of this is that it makes farming Signets of Learning really easy since i can pretty much count on 90% of the Set drops definitly being useless.
Hope all that didn,t sound too harsh or something.
Just thought i should put it out there:)

Set amulets have no impact on the drop rate of other set items. The game picks the base item before deciding if it's a set drop or not.

To expand on this, the vizjun set amulet is the only set amulet that drops in area levels below 120, so any amulet that drops and is flagged to be a set item quality will always be the vizjun one if you are in an area level below 120. once you get to duncraig , expect to be flooded with Astroga's set amulet.
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Well maybe its just me but when i play it feels like the RNG Gods really seem to favor "Amulets" to be rolled as Set-Items, because as mentioned i get tons of those while only occasionally something else.
Still, thank you very much for your answers. :)
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here's something if it hasn't been suggested yet, how about give signets of gold and learning there "cluster" like acs and gems. and maybe cut down on gold cost for crafting too. :clap:
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Star chart completed (1->4---> single quest item) cannot be applied to any Dimensional Key... (quest item)...
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Bone Archer
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The Ivory Tower (Tower Shield) in-game requires 182 Strength and 211 Dexterity but the docs say 181/210, respectively.
Cow Ninja
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WolfieeifloW wrote:The Ivory Tower (Tower Shield) in-game requires 182 Strength and 211 Dexterity but the docs say 181/210, respectively.

Most items with -requirements are off by 1. I think our docs generation rounds differently than the game does.
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WolfieeifloW wrote:The Ivory Tower (Tower Shield) in-game requires 182 Strength and 211 Dexterity but the docs say 181/210, respectively.

Now there is a name I have not seen in quite some time...
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Make Labs more interesting, more fun, and rewarding. Compared to any other zone, you know what to expect and what will drop from there, but in labs, you can go as long as doing multiple 6-7-8-9 and getting nothing, not a single zone-specific drop, not a single phoboss spawn also the zone strongly favors HP stacking builds and HP stacking umos as a defensive stat which is lame either balance it out by nerfing HP somehow the higher you go in labs the way block/defense/avoidance all other stats get destroyed going higher in labs.

For example if you do 4 full Scos runs you will always get something out of it boxes/tenet/Enchanted rune
Same goes for every other zone that has a bias drop for shrines/jewels etc they keep popping up.
But in labs, you get 1 Occult Effigies every 5-10 runs if you're lucky.

I get this is the endgame and should be the hardest content but having to use Oskill just because it's better doesn't matter from despondence or relics makes no sense. The game should be beatable with each build yes, it should be more challenging with some of them but not impossible. For example, I clear tier7 in about 10 minutes with my IED melee sorc, but if anomaly spawns, it takes me 10-15 minutes to kill that like it's made to waste your time for nothing 99% of the time, it's shit drops.

I get this is a free-to-play mod of a game, and coding and game designing and coming up with new things + balancing everything out could be a tricky thing.

I am not bashing the mod or anyone for the work they put in. I love median and thank the whole team for the work they put in. Happy to support it also whenever I can
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Have you the developers/modmakers ever considered to put SmiteDin or KickSin but with an MXL twist in the game?
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Son of Lucion
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On the subject of labs, maybe add a downstairs boss to T9 that drops taha runes. Or a lab only taha goblin that's escaped from fauzt. Having to grind fauzt at lvl 148+ after doing labs to attempt samael is very out of place.