What games are you playing atm? V2

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This well known game doesnt need any introduction. But i will review this game as someone who played several games in the series, being much older person now and probably more critical in many aspect of video game experience.

I put super high expectation in this game, because it supposed to be love letter to original fan. All returning characters are super fun to play, assuming you unlocked all their moveset. There are also couple of new character introduced to move plot forward. All cutscenes are played in game sleek with its absurd style as usual. Soundtrack is also pretty great and tailored for each characters. Now with its next gen graphic, combat look much more flashier with its realistic surrounding.

I will be honest, I have problem playing this game at the beginning. I dunno why there are more emphasize on " multiple combat arena" and less more variety on environment or puzzle. It made level boring to look through with its alien looking corridor. Problem look more glaring on 2nd playthrough. Boss also feel like step down which either they are too rigid tanky or too fast that you will have problem chasing. Even more worst is probably recycled fight with ultimate villain. Ugh, I dont even want to talk about the story, as character interaction are super annoying.

Im probably getting too old or Im not totally enjoying this game. I just had enough with finish campaign twice and done with it. If you liked combat part of the game, probably you will able to enjoy / 100% achievement it. Im just ready to move on.

As a bonus, here the banger soundtrack for vergil.
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Hey little girl, who is your big daddy?

Bought this bioshock 1 & 2 remastered for a while, I have been staggering of same genre, hence why I dont play same game back to back or i might get bored. Both series are considered old at this point, and I always issues with old games.

Instead of playing a "normal human", now you are playing a little girl protector called big daddy. With huge drill at your arm as well as many other arsenal at your disposal, you have to make way to girl you abandonned for 10 years. Compared to first game, there several gameplay changes like more straight forward, a "hoard defense" minigame as well as streamlined perks & research system. Along your journey, you will meet several NPC who related to incident happened to, so you discover what happened along the way.

The game is pretty much the same compared to first game. Some people might said it is more contained as you have single goal instead of multiple goals like the original. The hoard defense while can be engaging especially your ability to trap the surrounding, it is much more tough especially playing hard difficulty. The enemy still have absurd accuracy, even can snipe from a short peek. Personally I think lack of unique boss is boring, you will be meeting samey enemy over and over again.

If you played first game, I recommend you play this as well. But because I cant handle the issue with old game, I would rather recommend third entry which is biohock infinite & all the DLC. Despite the game have DLC, after reading the description, I just decide Im done and move on to other games.
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Bigger, Badder and Even more MONSTROUS Hunter

As part of capcom bundle, I thought I gave this game a try. It was harsh start because how not user friendly the game is at beginning. After couple of weeks and take it slow to understand it, the game became much more fun to play.

The game concept by design is simple, you prepare yourself, you hunt monster, you upgrade your gear, your hunt again. The game have variety of playstyle, which all tied to weapon you use. Some is super fast while other is slow & more damaging. The game have a hub city where you do all your preparation (if you play multiplayer, you will able to see other player) to a point I could easily say it is self contained MMORPG. The monster design are all unique and have gradually increasing power as well as even more dangerous movesets.

The enjoyment of you having in this game would be solely depending if you are ok with grindy gameplay loop. It is kinda like ARPG genre, but with all setback of many loading times & busyworks that will easily cost you like hours. The game also have issue of locking all fun stuff at harder story quest, thus the game feel too basic in beginning, especially when your options open up at middle of the game. To add more interesting monster type, they also rely on "recolour" existing monster with some minor changes.

I highly recommend this, as I play with controller. The game perhaps will be more fun with friend, but i think it have enticing gameplay to keep playing. Alas I think I have to uninstall it so i dont get hooked too much and unable to complete other games I bought.
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How good are you at staring at wall for a clue?

I know this game, at least the genre of point & click puzzle game. Im sucker for this type of games, but wont refrain myself to read some walkthrough so that I wouldnt get stuck for couple of minutes.

The game is basically a walking simulator with many puzzles element in it. At first, it feel like a mystery game game where you are thrown in strange looking location. As more puzzle you solve, more of the story revealed that you can kinda understand roughly what is the current situation happened to that location. As you move around, there will be tons of clues & red herring, so your job to take photos & notes and refer to it when there is element puzzle required some solving.

As more you play the game, there will be some that required you to go through a loading zone. This can take up to couple of minutes, depending on your computer speed as you waiting for level / animation to load. While the world is impressive, there arent much interactable like modern walking simulator have. Story wise, I think it was good at the beginning when you learn more about the people there, but it get confusing at the end especially related to some character motivations.

Personally, I think it hard to recommend this. Sure if you like puzzle / walking simulator, it is ok game. I can imagine it can get excessive annoying and tedious with its backtracking, deadend as well as "throwing to wall until it stick" solutions.
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Failed my first shaper. The build with RF just did not have enough dps to take him down during last stage and map got busted with the circles. Sad panda.
The build is much fun and quite easy to play, really enjoyed it. This league rained uniques for me, really pleasant suprise. As for the rest of currency, league mechanics, crafting - not a big fan of it, never was. Crafting, harvest, expeditions, heist, bleach - not really my thing. Love rituals, abyss and rogue exiles though.
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Just a small rant / reviews. I having a big issue atm. All game Im playing doesnt have the hook or joy when playing because there always been small things that triggered me or it just Im not in right mood. As you all know, just like watching anime I always move from one game to completion before moving to another. Thus, here are recent games that I installled, I played and I doesnt feel the urge to continue

1. Doom Eternal
This game gave much bad impression than doom 2016. It emphasized on "online account" remind me of mobile game or live service game where you are kinda forced to play everyday, doing all sort of challenges to unlock more level & skin. Granted all these progression are separated from the single player progression, but it indeed left sour taste in my mouth.

Biggest problem with doom eternal is definitely difficulty spike. At first, I have hard time adjusting myself since they expect you to know all the mechanic in original doom as well adding tons of new mechanic for you to juggle. If doom 2016 was fun boomer shooter, doom eternal is spectacle shooter which expect you know all sort of glitches. When playing on ultra violence difficulty, it feel like im headless chicken where I will be punished if i killed enemy too quickly (as you only regen health, ammo & armor when using specific mechanic) and game is super hard when in close quarter (3rd mission had me dying several times already. I never feel in "the game flow" and platforming section for secrets it made this game even more cartoony.

2. Devil May Cry HD Collection
Playing 1st game seem weird since I already finished most of the other games in the series. So far Im liking the environment / short mission level but somehow I got wrecked by 1st boss in the game. I dont remember game being hard aside from DMC 3 long time ago. Nevertheless, I managed to kill it after watching youtube. I just never in correct mindset to play it atm.

3. Ark Survival Evolved
With upcoming ark game giveaway on epic games store, I thought I want to research a crafting survival games for me & my coop buddy. We already played so many other crafting survival & thought this would be perfect. Except the game is not exactly "smooth" as I wanted. The game emphasized on huge map as well as focusing on playing multiplayer with 50++ players per server. Thus, it will take some effort to do everything on the map.

The game also have weird story progression, where you have some sort of small goal before you reach ascension. This ascension is basically what the end goal of each map, which you will continue in another map. Kinda weird since it is not like mmorpg where you have quest progression with huge sprawling zones. Regardless, the tricky part is that the difficult is not suitable for 1 or 2 person at all. There are tons of sliders where you can modify your gameplay, but alas the single player setting they game made harder to understand everything since it unlocked new techs way too fast.

4. Supraland
Weirdly enough, I enjoy the game so far. It have middle ground between a first person hack & slash as well as a collectathon (where you go all places collecting coins) as some sort of progression. I thought the game is a bit silly & doesnt have good tutorial, but once you get the first ability in first town as well as your double / triple jump, game became much more fun as they throw some puzzles & platforming section. I still early first hours, only stopped because I had to go for lunch.

5. Godfall - Challenger Edition
A weird next gen looter slasher game that seem beautiful on paper, but it didnt left me good impression. I though got the full version on epic game store, but turned out, it was just the "endgame endless looter" mode. At first it allowed you play 1 mission of the story which work as tutorial at same time. The game feel like middle ground between methodical combat (souls series) and spectacle fighter (DMC series). Problem is, with lack of combo / ability in the beginning, it felt shallow even to a point where you unlock your "avatar" which have pro/con in its power.

The game then give you like power boost to max level (since endless looter only started at end of story) thus I was give way too many new mechanic to learn from new ability, passive to unlock, new weapons type and endless more customization. I simply too overwhelmed, so i just jump straight to the mission. Turned the game still feel shallow despite you have more ability to use and at that point, I just straight uninstalled it.

5. The Hunter - Call of the Wild
Another game that I thought I would enjoy it. This game is pretty much a hunting sim where you have given a rifle, some ammos as well as some tools in order to hunt animals in the map. The map is huge with tons of places to go from lakes, dense forest, open field, high mountain as well as several outpost in order for to scout around. The required you to be patient, wait up to several minutes as you learn about your prey. Track their footstep, learn animals feeding, drinking or resting area, and when you finally found them, be ready to take a shot.

The game is chill no doubt. But I bored with it, mostly because I think your movement speed is way too slow as well as animals always run away despite you trying to approach it like stealth game. Only time animal wont move around if you wait at specific spot for very long time. Considered how "realistic" & tedious the game is, I think I just uninstall it despite I did have some fun. Mostly because I rather play a game where it is easier to measure a progress, and this game is way too slow.

Honorable list
I think if I continue doing this kinda of long review, it will take too much spaces / time to write them so here are about 10 or so other game that I have installed that I have issue to continue playing.

Loop Hero - Ugly pixelated graphic, game relied on waiting a loop / thing to happened. Nothing much explaiend
Submerged Hidden Depths - This scream indie, and I can feel the lack of polish. Havent touch since i cleared 1st level.
Outward - Open Sandbox Souls-like. This game feel like I need to read whole dictionary to know what I need to do next.
Maneater - Decent arcade-ish shark simulator. Fun first level, but I dunno Im not in mood. Maybe i should try it again.
Cris Tales - Game that I thought I wanted, but disappointedly with its first impression. Gorgeous graphic, but lacking something
Hue - Another indie 2D platformer. Puzzle too easy and take too much time. Every seconds I play I wonder why it was design to be this sloth
A Plague Tale Innocence - Another good indie title, but feel restrictive in its story. Explore -> stealth -> high rush game cycle pretty much
Baba is You - This game is way too difficulty for my brain, I would enjoy it have better graphic tbh. Havent play for a while
A Good Snowman is Hard to Build - Easy puzzle game, but take too long with its animation. Too basic despite good game
Skatebird - Who the heck think putting skateboard with goat simulator physic is good. I rather play tony hawk 1 & 2 on emulator
CrossCode - Another cool game that I forgot, since it is under itch.io launcher that I rarely open. Decent 1st impession, i still dont like pixel art
Civilization 6 - I feel regret that I bought the new frontier pass, since I have been in right mindset to play it again. I rarely finished 1 game
Final Fantasy 10 - This game have been installed on my pc for more than 1 years and I still havent launch it. Again, not in right mindset
A Hat in Time - Another decent indie collecathon game, my problem is that aside from platforming & collecting, game feel not rewarding.
Insurmountable - Unique climbing planning / resource management game. Kinda have narrative & somehow with roguelike + timeloop??
Solitarica - Fun solitaire game with a twist of rogue-like. Seem the game relied on RNG way too much & super grindy.

Dishonorable list
Have you ever been trying to give a game a chance and give super low expectation and the game still failed to deliver? This is my current issues with Diablo Immortal. I have been playing every for 2 months until I got hooked with Monster Hunter World. I thought I want to give DI a chance because this is exactly what I imagined as evolution of D3.

Despite game is focused on multiplayer, and Im just merely single player person, all those new features they added really bring joy to try especially when you imagine the game is playable on mobile. My biggest problem is the game is dumbed down to a point that I dont feel worth my time. I thought I could at least rush the story mode until the end and make a review, but the game insist putting a level gate where you are forced to do all other activities, most specifically the shadow / immortal stuff to get most exp.

I havent played a while, it doesnt have the hook like genshin which is my staple "casual daily game" that replacing hearthstone (or slay the spire in the past).

I feel like i just need to deep breath and maybe stay away from computer for a while.
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Oh, the joy of being a kid again.

Game that have been on my radar for a while, seeing the graphic you might think look like silly games. Turned out it is really is, but it have one of masterfully crafted puzzle games hidden behind it.

Description of it mentioned that it is mixed of popular games like portal, zelda, & metroid. The gameplay consist of vast open world map where you have region that usually have some sort of challenging puzzles. The game slowly give you more more abilities like which allowed you to progress the story forward. The game also tons of nice mechanic / upgrade, that extrapolate even more with interaction between of new abilities. Sometimes the reason you couldnt progress forward, is simply you didnt know you can do that!

While I praise the game super highly, I think there are maybe some aspect that is bring down this great game. Final boss fight is one that left salty taste in my mouth, mostly because it was kinda unexpected. The story is cartoony with your objective literally trying to find macguffin in order for you to save your kingdom. Combat while fast and rewarind once you get the upgrade, it hardly any challenge and it became kinda like minor annoyance.

Please please please, if you got the game from epic free giveaway, give the game a try. Play without guide and see how it flow as it expected you to have some intelligence to play the game.
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I played some Dark Souls lately
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Eat, drink,tame dino, breed dino & poop!

A game that I have been curious about for a while, I know the game is kinda buggy & have pvp focused. But my coop buddy, we wanted for faster coop experience as we learn how to progress from start from the end.

Starting this game, it wont give much tutorial to you and expect you to learn as you go along. Started from resource gathering, you then move toward crafting your tool & base. From there, you will be learn to tame some dinosaur, as some of them are powerhouse & good at resource gathering. More powerful & rare resource are located deeper into harder region, making it challenging progression to obtain them. Once you are good for endgame, then you will be able to tackling challenging dungeon as well as big boss fight.

My problem with this game is that it is designed for long term progression instead of short time frame. Thus some people willing to spent thousand of hours doing resource gathering chore as well as waiting couple of real life hours, just to tame a dinosaur. So we decided for much faster pace, aiming to finishing the game around 100 hours minute mark, and game less tedious. Game also suffered from terrible coding base that it feel like wasnt design for huge landscape as game can get laggy even on beefy computer.

Do i recommend this? Depend. If you have coop buddy or large groups of friend, maybe you can enjoy it over weeks & months of progression. Me & my coop buddy just ready to move on to other game, as the game lost it charm once you learnt how to do everything.
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Slowburn walking simulator with a notoriously confusing first puzzle as a welcome, mixed with FPS later on. Not for everyone, but it looks gorgeous.