Controller's Vesseldin Guide to Win

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Just a heads up. Hovering over the shield in the leveling section pulls up the Thunderhead Sacred Axe instead of the Thunderhead Heraldic Shield. Not that big of an issue as you've clarified "(heraldic t4 350 str)" after.
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Pulsar wrote:Just a heads up. Hovering over the shield in the leveling section pulls up the Thunderhead Sacred Axe instead of the Thunderhead Heraldic Shield. Not that big of an issue as you've clarified "(heraldic t4 350 str)" after.

...I can't believe I forgot about the shield when I named the axe. I'll try and get that fixed soon.
2 | 0
Do you just dump all points past gear req into vit? I'm currently lvl125 with 1.9kvit/1.1en (Yaerius).

Also can you get to high MF (~300) without MOing? Mine is shit rn but that's probably not enough MO space.
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Monkey King
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JigSawHarlequin wrote:Do you just dump all points past gear req into vit? I'm currently lvl125 with 1.9kvit/1.1en (Yaerius).

Also can you get to high MF (~300) without MOing? Mine is shit rn but that's probably not enough MO space.

After you have 1580 energy with veneration of justice up (see general info for more clarification), you should be putting all points into vit besides the required amount to equip yaerius set which will allow you to equip anything else with high stats from the set bonus (like a sigil of absolution'd collector shield as example).

As for magic find you have two options early on if you want to keep damage optimal for ubers. One is to have 2 yaerius sets, and mo the worser one with phys/magic, and remaining go mf until 140, then just have a phys/magic + spell focus mo'd set.

The more user friendly option is to just ignore having a spell focus mo'd set from 120 to 140 lvls but since the sets so common I dont really recommend it. Damage can be all the difference of making some ubers much easier. Be sure to also make yourself a MF wormhole to swap on when you mf, as our labbing wormhole does not do much for us outside of lab. Jewel of luck is also another option and is very worth the price imo.

Lastly, rare rings with 1sk/phys magic/spell focus/mf are bis, but drop spell focus for just ones with mf for farming as it can get 20% so 40 total from both ring slots which is pretty big.
20 | 0
Is the cast speed frames really that important for this build? Absolution has the 1sec CD. Thanks for the build and loving median :D
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vektson wrote:Is the cast speed frames really that important for this build? Absolution has the 1sec CD. Thanks for the build and loving median :D

No it's not that important for the reason you stated. But you can hit the 80 fcr bp without much commitment and will save a few frames for movement and qol.
Monkey King
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Nice guide for a profoundly boring build. You early game merc gear choices seem a bit random in spots. Flowerspring, Jitan's and the TU tiara for example would leverage her skill set better. "More damage is more gooder." -Stoya.
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UncleGrimjerk wrote:Nice guide for a profoundly boring build. You early game merc gear choices seem a bit random in spots. Flowerspring, Jitan's and the TU tiara for example would leverage her skill set better. "More damage is more gooder." -Stoya.

It's to help give her survival with breakpoints and phys res. Very specific reason for every piece there. She will indeed be dealing more damage if she isn't fhr'd and has good atk frames and most importantly is alive early on. When you feel the need to spend gold on MO's pieces can change to hit breakpoints with those instead, but it doesnt really mater usually because she does her job until you throw earth set on.
Rust Claw
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i wish the 'thing' was still allowed, constantly having to stop to cycle buffs is why i hate paladins here
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machopi wrote:i wish the 'thing' was still allowed, constantly having to stop to cycle buffs is why i hate paladins here

with the introduction of hot keys in keybinds now you can sort of spam press them and not worry too much. I personally don't use them since im so in tuned with hitting everything at 20 seconds without really even knowing it but it's an option now.