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King77 wrote:
n-gave13 wrote:how much time for season end ? i go back here after 2 years and don't know , and i wanna start with fresh season

I also return back after many years. Before sigma even was released. Perhaps you'd like to start together? Doing single player right now to learn boss locations and drop rates etc.

why you always lying :lol: clearing scos in sp first day back from "before sigma" (aka 1.6)
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Siosilvar wrote:
King77 wrote:
n-gave13 wrote:how much time for season end ? i go back here after 2 years and don't know , and i wanna start with fresh season

I also return back after many years. Before sigma even was released. Perhaps you'd like to start together? Doing single player right now to learn boss locations and drop rates etc.

why you always lying :lol: clearing scos in sp first day back from "before sigma" (aka 1.6)

Need proof? I can live stream tonight. You don't know who I am?

Best part is, it's being done with basic tu gear though I did get a super nice rare ring. Back when void was actually hard Ben and I and pat would do every Uber except maybe marconecrox in 1-2 days of season start. Many times with basic horrifics ask him :)

Ps. I didn't do the boss of sosglen yet. Having trouble getting the things to make the portal. But deff farming it. Seems drop chance of the item creation thing that allows you to make one of the 6 pieces of the portal is low. Did diemoss earlier. Prob died around 30 times in the 10 minutes allowed, not 100% difficulty. But learned the battle. This game is all about mechanics. Timing. Learning what spells they cast at what ratio or what RNG chance and proceeding from there. Ps. I'm using a Bowzon. Lots of run and shooting which coming from an RTS like starcraft 2, that's micro which is quite easy.

Siosilvar wrote:
King77 wrote:Need proof? I can live stream tonight. You don't know who I am?

i know who you are. just cute that you've got something to prove and exaggerate so much because of it

just play the game and have fun :D

Where is the exaggeration? I can prove everything I said with live stream tonight 10 pm central time I'll be on. Message my discord if you'd like to view it. I'm the fuzzy pink unicorn
Edited by King77 1 year.
Cow Ninja
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King77 wrote:Need proof? I can live stream tonight. You don't know who I am?

i know who you are. just cute that you've got something to prove and exaggerate so much because of it

just play the game and have fun :D
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King77 wrote:
Siosilvar wrote:
King77 wrote:
n-gave13 wrote:how much time for season end ? i go back here after 2 years and don't know , and i wanna start with fresh season

I also return back after many years. Before sigma even was released. Perhaps you'd like to start together? Doing single player right now to learn boss locations and drop rates etc.

why you always lying :lol: clearing scos in sp first day back from "before sigma" (aka 1.6)

Need proof? I can live stream tonight. You don't know who I am?

Best part is, it's being done with basic tu gear though I did get a super nice rare ring. Back when void was actually hard Ben and I and pat would do every Uber except maybe marconecrox in 1-2 days of season start. Many times with basic horrifics ask him :)

Ps. I didn't do the boss of sosglen yet. Having trouble getting the things to make the portal. But deff farming it. Seems drop chance of the item creation thing that allows you to make one of the 6 pieces of the portal is low. Did diemoss earlier. Prob died around 30 times in the 10 minutes allowed, not 100% difficulty. But learned the battle. This game is all about mechanics. Timing. Learning what spells they cast at what ratio or what RNG chance and proceeding from there. Ps. I'm using a Bowzon. Lots of run and shooting which coming from an RTS like starcraft 2, that's micro which is quite easy.

Siosilvar wrote:
King77 wrote:Need proof? I can live stream tonight. You don't know who I am?

i know who you are. just cute that you've got something to prove and exaggerate so much because of it

just play the game and have fun :D

Where is the exaggeration? I can prove everything I said with live stream tonight 10 pm central time I'll be on. Message my discord if you'd like to view it. I'm the fuzzy pink unicorn

Are you saying you killed Deimoss and are farming scogslen with a Bowzon in TUs?
Stone Warrior
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Yes. Su bow though. No longer in tus...can't do deimoss 100% with Bowzon.. farming sosglen area..yeah I can. Don't see why you guys have so many issues there.

Question...can vial of elder blood have the 11-12 minute upgrade in single player? Tried it...doesn't work...unless I gotta unlock the charm with the qor or something first.

Also can dimension key be upgraded in single player? Don't seem to be able to do that either at 100%.
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King77 wrote:Question...can vial of elder blood have the 11-12 minute upgrade in single player? Tried it...doesn't work...unless I gotta unlock the charm with the qor or something first.

Also can dimension key be upgraded in single player? Don't seem to be able to do that either at 100%.

Yes both can be done in SP
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What's the difference between offline and online play? Besides being able to play together with people online ofc.

Is there a difference in droprates? HIgher/lower? Offline obviously has no lag which should help with quickcasting. Offline also offers the option to backup items and essentially keeping an unmodified copy in case your desired upgrade doesn't work out. But what are the downsides of playing offline?

Lately my connection isn't that stable and I notice that I get stuck sometimes with teleports not working all the time and some other small issues.

Also, my game always crashes when I kill the last boss before Uldy, so I probably won't be able to get Uldy charm in offline, but I guess that's ok.
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King77 wrote:Yes. Su bow though. No longer in tus...can't do deimoss 100% with Bowzon.. farming sosglen area..yeah I can. Don't see why you guys have so many issues there.

Clip of you farming scos in tu w su bow, I'll wait. :bounce:
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Muilpeer wrote:What's the difference between offline and online play? Besides being able to play together with people online ofc.

Is there a difference in droprates? HIgher/lower? Offline obviously has no lag which should help with quickcasting. Offline also offers the option to backup items and essentially keeping an unmodified copy in case your desired upgrade doesn't work out. But what are the downsides of playing offline?

Lately my connection isn't that stable and I notice that I get stuck sometimes with teleports not working all the time and some other small issues.

Also, my game always crashes when I kill the last boss before Uldy, so I probably won't be able to get Uldy charm in offline, but I guess that's ok.

Main difference is the lack of trading. I believe drop rates are very similar in SP/MP now (might be very slightly better in SP, but no big diff I think).
Also some features/bosses might not get released to SP when they are first introduced to MP, like the new boss for example.
Personally I prefer MP to trade and do some labs/farming with friends, but if u don´t do either of those things I guess SP is nice. Spec if ur internet is trash^

I think the uldy-crash happens randomly, not everytime u kill diablo? At least I've had it happen occasionally, but far from often.