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Doctor Who the heck are you guys all?

I will have to spoilered this part since i believe you really need to enjoy this game blind. I bought the game and immediately finished it within 24 hours. While I do find the game enjoyable, it have some setbacks.

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Hogwarts Legacy.

Never cared about Harry Potter books or movies, i just bought it to give the finger to the woke masses that tried to cancel this game.
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This more like a colonize or how to get friend simulator.

Before i begin, i would like to inform that this game is made by a smaller studio which have niche to create some compelling game albeit not for everyone. I played 2 of their previous game, and I already have set my proper expectation before playing this game.

The game bring around the era of colonization, where you will be board a ship together with your cousin to new land in order to search for potential cure. As you landed on the island, you will meet other factions all with their unique leaders & goals. Additionally, there are also couple of native peoples which you need to get closer to learn about the cure. Soon you will realized that you are thrown into political game between factions and your job as diplomat to disburse their disagreement between each other.

Lets just say that despite i expect the game wouldnt be perfect, there are still many issues that I think made me struggle to finish this game quickly. First the combat feel like super janky compared to previous title that able to overpower enemy easily even on expert difficulty. Quest design also rely you on meeting multiple people for same quest, which made you will see like loading screen & walking as majority part of your gameplay. While graphic the beautiful, majority of them are copy & paste.

Uh, I dunno if I can recommend this. Maybe if you are fan of those old school RPG / conversation simulator where choice matter. The bland of gameplay just made it like overstretched snooze-fest.
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WoLong Fallen Dynasty

Team Ninja doing it again after Nioh 2. Heavily inspired in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, with a lot of liberties (a lot of mythological chinese creatures as enemies) this is more Sekiro than Dark Souls as you would expect after Nioh, very fast paced combat with focus on parrying mechanics and more arcadey than you would expect. Took me 50+ hours to beat everything the game throws at you, i took my time so if youre going to rush the game i would say its more like a 20 hour game which is still ok.

Yeah. For what it is, this game delivers, gj Team Ninja.
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Feel like i havent update awhile, to be specifically i havent play any new games
But i recently have reach 100% achievements for like 15 different games
Most of them are old games. Look how many purples!

As for current game, Im playing fallout 76 atm from humble choice. Tbh, it was snoozefest because there is really no merit / strength to play. I could just play it while watching anime but it doesnt have usability like modern open world ubisoft game do.
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Decided to give Outer Wilds for a spin and i'm very glad i did so. What an amazing out of the box little big gem.
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Bleak Faith Forsaken........or :

Me : MOM, can we get Elden Ring?
Mom : We have Elden Ring at home.

Elden Ring at home :

- Anyways, i don't really want to shit on this game because its indie and they did their best, but it's obviously trying to ripoff a lot of stuff from Elden Ring, down to the kill animations. For a soulslike it feels pretty soulless, ill just leave it at that.
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Been playing Diablo 4 closed beta since friday, and i gotta say from what ive played so far it does what its meant to do pretty well.

It doesnt blow my mind when it comes to aRPG like PoE, but for a beta i guess its fine. The beta only includes Act 1, and when it comes to narrative (lets face it, Diablo games were never really that much focused into its story until the books started to come out to retcon everything into what we have today) , i'd say i prefered D3's act 1 story to D4's act1 story. It was cool being a lone grundgy adventurer at first, but then you reach the first town and things start to get samey.

Overall, if i had to rate the beta id go with a 7/10. Story isnt that great, but we all just play arpg to click on things that move until they stop moving and click on pixels on the ground to make us then click those other things until they stop moving even faster than we did before. Story takes a backseat.
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Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Yea, waited 18 years for a RE game that could surpass how good RE4 was, turns out i was just waiting for RE4 all over again. Capcom did it. Again. After the kinda disappointment that was Outsourced-RE3-Remake, they had to step up their game with one of their most beloved games and possibly one of the most important games of all time for its then groundbreaking innovation to the industry (such as over the shoulder camera).

RE4 Remake is a must have, and i'm so glad they didnt fuck it up, or it could spell the death for Capcom remakes from here on out.

Oh and....bump.
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A game that i already know will be very good game to play with, but generally I dislike game without endgoal or ending. And yet this game managed to captivate to play straight for 2 weeks.

I will be straight forwad and say that this game is not something that you should grind everyday like i did but more toward play couple of hours at every night, similar to gacha / mobile game. Regardless, it do have abit steep starting curve, which required about 20 hours until you get into "endgame fun part". The game will have several type of missions which you will can mix and match depending your preferences. First option is the location on the map, which have its own hazard / challenges.

Then there is stuff like warning, bonus, events, cave length and complexity, and the best part is procedurally created cave. No map will feel the same especially if played with random people online. The system is robust enough that you can join / help other fellow cave miner to complete the mission . All 4 classes have their unique kits as well as traversal option, which kinda synergize each other. There is also endgame grind where you want to get random upgrade for your weapon which can totally change your gameplay

If you are solo gamer, no worry I was solo first 20 hours until i overcome my anxiety and join public game. Please give this game a try, it is overall good game that have bring shame all those greedy multiplayer game.

