Σ 2.5 Bugs & Feedback

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Pit Knight
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What's going on, online. I try to create a game and it just says "Please Wait" and won't go anywhere. Tried with regular icon and didn't work. Updated my launcher and it still doesn't work. Am I missing something?
Monkey King
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when kill nightour,Ping is normal in towns, but after entering the Heart of Darkness, it has reached over 2000 and is delayed and unable to move,three times
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Horadric Mage
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suchbalance wrote:Wrong tooltip. Damage gain is there if you actually try it.

Good to know, thx.

If correct tooltip better, or even no panel dmg change will be better than wrong tooltip. At least ppl can easily understand their dmg by adding a simple 40% based on panel. But if wrong tooltip, they r confused, not clear about their actual dmg. They have to kick off the relic, then add a 40% to know their real dmg, then get back the relic to play.
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Son of Lucion
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In tenet of vigor is 3 uniq sacred body armour , but su for sorc only not work
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Hello, I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm missing something but the Corrupted Seer Scoscglen has an invisible attack that kills me everytime. I thought this was due to lag or something but this is very consistant. Also it's the only enemy in the game I have visual feedback issue like that.

EDIT : Made recorded some footage to better illustrate what i'm talking about




You can make the case it's the AoE abilities nearby overextending their visual cue, but I had multiple instance where there was absolutely nothing on screen when I died.
Edited by katak 1 year.
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Horadric Mage
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Nec's normal attack seems to use 2 different attack moves alternately. 1 is normal, 6 fpa. 1 is much slower, like 8-9 fpa.

Not only his normal attack, but some oskills maybe. I have tested nec's Bladestorm with staff to try to develop new bd, but have met similar problem, it is even worse for it only acts that 8-9 fpa attack move when using Bladestorm. While it is supposed to be 6 fpa according to Speed Cal.
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Bow druid is very fun to play in the current patch and super strong, however it's has one big issue in endgame : The build rely on heart of the pack too much, and so, on summonned bear.

And obviously, relying on a summon in places like labs 9+ where he get melted left and right, or sam where he can regen the boss, is a very big issue. Without even mentioning theses places, as a player it actually feel bad sometimes to have a summon redirecting attention and doing unpredictable moves. There's also the fact that the buff, while proccing very often, is still completely random. It's part of the fun but there's no way around the fact that it's unreliable, while sometimes you will melt a boss by right clicing the whole time, others you just wait. That's it.
There's also the dimention of oskills. As bow dudu, oskills are fun to use because they can't be used with steady aim. And to me at least, playing around that feel nice, but again the bear randomness mean we aren't really playing around with it, but being played, and we pretty much have to choose between either full on bowdu skills or only oskills.

So my wish is to have a new passive tied to bear, that remove the possibility of summoning him (while still letting others summons if possible or it's another big issue), but allow the player to cast heart of the pack himself. Of course, with a long cd, something like 25, 30 secs. An active bear would proc the buff much, much more than that, but that's the price I'm willing to pay to be alone and take control of my life. Of course, I wouldn't take such a passive before the very endgame, but it would give him a chance there, and that's what I want here. Another possibility would be to make the bear untargetable, a spirit bear in the true sense we could call it, but it'd be op to be honest. And I'm not for a reduction of the proc chance to reduce opness
Dark Huntress
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katak wrote:Hello, I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm missing something but the Corrupted Seer Scoscglen has an invisible attack that kills me everytime. I thought this was due to lag or something but this is very consistant. Also it's the only enemy in the game I have visual feedback issue like that.

EDIT : Made recorded some footage to better illustrate what i'm talking about




You can make the case it's the AoE abilities nearby overextending their visual cue, but I had multiple instance where there was absolutely nothing on screen when I died.

This thing occured either in singleplayer. So i agree with it's not just a lag.
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abababa7 wrote:
katak wrote:Hello, I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm missing something but the Corrupted Seer Scoscglen has an invisible attack that kills me everytime. I thought this was due to lag or something but this is very consistant. Also it's the only enemy in the game I have visual feedback issue like that.

EDIT : Made recorded some footage to better illustrate what i'm talking about




You can make the case it's the AoE abilities nearby overextending their visual cue, but I had multiple instance where there was absolutely nothing on screen when I died.

This thing occured either in singleplayer. So i agree with it's not just a lag.

for me its lookin 100% for desync so you just dieng from his cold cirle attack - it looks like you not standing in or the attack goes on a other place where you not standing - but this cold attack is following you and exploding exactly where you standing - so its not invisible - i have same issue with riftwalker 3 on tsw - i have records aswell where i did avoid all storms on floor and let a summoner alive by the moment i kill him and still didnt get bonus serveral times- visually you can see in rec that it doesnt hit me but you can hear it hit me. Seem like same issue here for me - so every time he does this cld attack try walk or tele away or put a decoy in front of him so he attacks that and not you. :D
6 | 3
Decoy is probably the dumbest ability in the game right now. Take a pass on all boss mechanics.

Aside from that gibdinn is still bugged. Fire goes on, nothing happens.