Diablo II Classin installing issue

Discuss Median XL!
Dark Huntress
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I have the officia Diablo 2 Best seller, and LoD best seller CD. But my problem is to my CDs are damaged or something... If I download a D2 game from torrent it can work if I write MY CD key. But it has a 26 characters CD key and what I have downloaded it has 16 characters CD key. So my question is where can I download Diablo 2 classic game with 26 characters CD key?
Edited by FIngoparna 8 months.
Dark Huntress
11 | 0
solved. I activated the CD key at battle.net and I can download the installer from there.
18 | 0
I don't understand why Median XL downloads Diablo 2 from client, but Median XL 2.0 requires old Diablo 2 Classic. I don't want to support lizard, i would rather be bored... I can download it to my old computer but it will be annoying if i want to play for awhile to switch there... Maybe i will try it sometime, i didn't like old game, as it was too much reading wiki and then what is the point, if it is still that much of a grind! And it said on main page that there is less boring grinding! I created like 30 characters from scratch since D2 and never was interested enough to finish the game :D as it can take farming 1000 same locations to get anything... and then game ends, what is the point? But i like the core concept i would like to make my own ARPG game, but AI isn't advanced enough!
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empleat wrote:I don't understand why Median XL downloads Diablo 2 from client, but Median XL 2.0 requires old Diablo 2 Classic. I don't want to support lizard, i would rather be bored... I can download it to my old computer but it will be annoying if i want to play for awhile to switch there... Maybe i will try it sometime, i didn't like old game, as it was too much reading wiki and then what is the point, if it is still that much of a grind! And it said on main page that there is less boring grinding! I created like 30 characters from scratch since D2 and never was interested enough to finish the game :D as it can take farming 1000 same locations to get anything... and then game ends, what is the point? But i like the core concept i would like to make my own ARPG game, but AI isn't advanced enough!

Every ARPG is grinding, I would love to hear your idea of the new ARPG era.
18 | 0
Jampula wrote:
empleat wrote:I don't understand why Median XL downloads Diablo 2 from client, but Median XL 2.0 requires old Diablo 2 Classic. I don't want to support lizard, i would rather be bored... I can download it to my old computer but it will be annoying if i want to play for awhile to switch there... Maybe i will try it sometime, i didn't like old game, as it was too much reading wiki and then what is the point, if it is still that much of a grind! And it said on main page that there is less boring grinding! I created like 30 characters from scratch since D2 and never was interested enough to finish the game :D as it can take farming 1000 same locations to get anything... and then game ends, what is the point? But i like the core concept i would like to make my own ARPG game, but AI isn't advanced enough!

Every ARPG is grinding, I would love to hear your idea of the new ARPG era.

Yeah, isn't it weird basically every ARPG game that was released didn't change much since D2 in anything important! We get same games, because companies never want to satisfy desires of gamers, so ppl keep buying their crap, because ppl can allow it to buy every year CoD etc. so they don't care and they will buy it anyways, because don't have time after work to play only hardcore games...

I honestly don't know what else can be thought of. Unless we discover 4th dimension, we already did everything in games and movies! And I cannot imagine like game about hardcore building character would be fun, then you would just input data to program that would calculate best possible build and didn't do anything anyways, as ppl can calculate only couple permutations from head... I have tho like sick ideas that could be used to make ARPG more interesting... I like D2 style tho i would loved remastered graphics, or little bit better than D2 it looks too 1999,i would prefer 2004 looks, just more than like 64MB graphics... But oldschool! I would use AI and have sick complementing ideas to make it more interesting...

Don't know didn't think about this awhile. I have ideas about multiple genres that could be mixed from ARPG games... While some ideas wouldn't work well together, some would, but this would require to have really advanced AI anyways, you can see most mods change mostly skins, qol changes, or minor game additions, because it is hard to mod games extensively and not everything works in given engine... I have really a lot random ideas, but never thought how to implement some of the together, as there won't be long time anything powerful to make this happen...

New ideas:
- randomly AI generated world (you could have very large life like distances)
- remove boring quests like go kill that, fetch 10 of these etc. and something for what you have to use intelligence
- intelligent AI bots so you can have your own MMORPG without ppl which ruin the fun, most games like these weren't much popular adapted to other genres, because ppl are cancer TBH
- you could play as Diablo and destroy cities and castles, or kill villagers etc.
- whole destructive environment
- hiring more companions with their personalities
- having some enigmatic world of mystery, but not like too much quests, or role-playing that would be just WOW...
- maybe like they are seasons when you can create new character, play on days like, so aquiring items is more competitive and satisfying, tho it wouldn't have to be random, but like for some challenges etc.
- or could make like dynamic monster spawn and gold would be to clean whole map of all monsters and prevent them strategically from multiplying
- creating your own stats/spells tho it would have to to balanced by AI so it is not overpowered
- monsters could siege cities
- make it like real life, food, drink sex, everything you can do in real life
- ppl like power: add power struggles to the game and sex and use AI to create amazing art!
- players could have reputation in MMO setting that other players will hear about them in the game from NPCs etc. not sure about PvP mostly it seems not viable in ARPG game, it would be just annoying, but you could challenge other players for bets, or have area etc. but then game would have to be perfectly balanced and then it wouldn't be fun... Maybe with 1000IQ AI that can balance it and make it yet diverse...
- what if people which will be e.g. top 10 on ladder will be bosses in next season etc. something to make of ladders... So it is not just random name in some table if it is not competitive game who cares either way? And farming 3000+ hours just to be high in ladder if it doesn't even do anything cannot imagine is much fun and is irrelevant for 99.999% playerbase, some rewards are OK i guess for veterans, if it is something useful, i can understand that yet
- add moral dilemmas into quests so they feel more lively and your decisions will affect the rest of the game, if you make someone angry, they could attack you later, or something like that
- make every time you start character new intro: you are farmed and fallens kill all your sheeps and family and angles give you special powers to fight monsters
- or randomly generated story for each playthrough
- more heavenly/demonic topics, or you could die and go to hell ,or to be raised to heaven, or stories about angel vs demons wars and more angels demons in the game world, or more hell areas. It is called Diablo but act 4 is shortest :(
- adjust how static game is so it would be enjoyable figuring some things about the game, and so everything you figured is not lost after each playthrough depending on game mode

In more classic gameplay version of a game: maybe add like some other things then farming to getting items, but it should be discoverable from the game, i don't know by discovering secrets, or paying for information, killing bosses, completing challenges, anything that would feel good, like in diablo 1, you wouldn't need to get all items, there could be high level items from different activities, basically like median has so many skill trees and more items, so you don't have to fear if you miss Monarch shield on the ground you are fucked or something like that... It would have to be thought out, so game is balanced and consistent from balance while being dynamic gameplay wise...

- they never sell anything useful, there is no satisfaction from accumulating large amounts of gold. Maybe finding like some time limited, or hidden merchant which can sell you something good for kickstart and can sell even items in mid/late game, but they would be costly! And not that good, just relevant...
- something to use gold for
- maybe you could own some buildings in cities etc.

Minor changes ideas:
- your armor gets damaged you could lose items like in battle, but only lower levels and it wouldn't have to be that painful
- losing experience is there, but it doesn't matter, instead game like hardcore permadeath, it could be like more dynamic back and forth

- i loved in diablo 3 murdering Satyrs with barbar, TTK feels really good and fighting blue monsters there, if they would be more intelligent and take longer time to kill, or could use spells/tactics, could have their own base, or even do stuff on map raid cities/villages and take territory

- quill on hell in outer cloister can one hit kill you, but then andariel does nothing to you almost. It is so random many times and you don't know what to expect, any monster can explode after dead and take you with them i don't like that...
- ppl say it is fun as your character is getting more powerful, but it takes long farming, if it was more linear (with feeling occasional boost from good drop, which last for awhile so you can enjoy them) it would feel better i think
- I like depth of PoE, but it relies on farming, maybe speed farming rates, but if game was in-depth it would be about exploration and trying experimenting with different builds...

Also i don't like really having to be forced read wiki to play the game, i would like game that teaches you as you go, not always, so you have to use your own brain, but it would be deducible from the game, so it is not like some hidden mechanic, or something that is not explained and you would have to look into game files how it exactly works. Like crafting in D2 is insane, even if millions peoples tried all possible permutations: they could never discover all of them, i can only guess how many there are, item qualities, item sockets, different gems and runes even inserted in different order, probably more than trillions! Tho it made game replayable and trades with other players satisfying and even game can be finished without crafting it is disappointing, if you want to just figure it on your own like in old days, without having to read wiki extensively!

- bosses in D2 suck and are not very dynamic, boss fights in D3 were much more fun at least first time
- bosses fights should be longer but more dynamic/fun

Builds wise:
- Optimizing stats for killing monsters is 1 dimensional, resistance: you are just going to get items for resist and that's it, that's not much decision making. Or vs some monsters you would need elemental damage, or they don't get damage from fire, so you would use cold etc.

BTW medial XL is already pretty good, these modder's do already better games than AAA studios... And indie with AI will be great! But we will have to wait so long yet zzzzzzzzzzz it is not as extensive farming in same locations and median XL 2.0 can imagine is even better... Tho i hated farming NIthahktak, or having to research wiki, but it is not overboard so i don't mind that if it s from time to time, or for learning game mechanics and then you don't have to that's perfectly fine... Just hope i don't have to farm like for some specific items hours... And some end game activities if you are building gear whole game, then there should be something to use it for which is fun... instead of farming same monsters in same locations ad infinitum :D PRoblem is in gaming industry there is leading opinion that graphics is more than gameplay i think at least for these studios and they are so greedy, you can make better game of 2000s games than 99.9% games out there... I recently played NFSU 2 and i was amazed how deep it is and how good it looks and plays and extensive tuning and even adjusting things like engine, ECU, nos, aerodynamics on a car, it is insane compared to garbage with 6 user metacritic score get today...
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So... you want Minecraft "Creative Mode" for Diablo basically
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rarely i post in general discussion
but that post remind me of my era "i got this absurd ideas that i hope developer will put into next version of the game" phase

just play terraria + calamity + QoL mods
also, maybe try some rogue-like or survivor-clone (if your brain cant handle the difficulty)
there are tons of them out there on steam
18 | 0
Taem wrote:So... you want Minecraft "Creative Mode" for Diablo basically

No as i said i haven't thought about it in-depth. I have many ideas... Anything but getting farm by killings monsters in same location. I like RTS genre and strategy, but don't know honestly what would you do in ARPG games, even there is depth, you would put data into external program and that would calculate best build... And there is not much endgame except farming monsters in same location, or PvP which is not very good in ARPG games...

Developers don't want to satisfy gamers and never give them what they want! AI will give indie devs power to creativity and make game for gamers again, but before it will be :( This era is most braindead, unimaginative of same garbage games over and over...
18 | 0
IMHO APRG games are most boring BS ever existed: you are literally farming same mobs in same locations just to get better gear to be able to farm same mobs in same locations. Maybe there is bit of decision making after you get some items, but it is vs offline bots so, what is the point? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIm4QGaXBF8. You have desire which is causing you suffering and you want to eliminate it however getting your items is only anticlimatic climax, mere end of your pain, so pleasure in reality is just relief. It is hedonistic treadmill of just wanting more... Sure we can also enjoy our desires, we don't really like to get what we want, that would make us crazy! Life is perpetual struggle against itself - Nietzsche. ARPG games can be enjoyable for awhile, but then it is boring, i don't understand how anyone can play this more than couple hundred hours... But no one wants to hear the truth, it is escape from reality for most ppl so... Why would they and that's actually good, truth != good... Don't expect anyone to understand this really, just being bored...
62 | 1
No one is trying to argue a season should last you more than 200 hours of happiness. You're arguing against shadows. If something brought you happiness for however many hours, and then stops being fun, good job, you had fun for x amount of hours.