Other Forums To Talk About MedianXL

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Lava Lord
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You guys know of any other forums to talk about MedianXL besides here and discord obviously...

I found the reddi subforum as a useful alternative

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Sand Maggot
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Quote from your reddit post:
sappersummoner wrote:Anyways they are banning all discussions on pushing medianXL to it's fullest limitations
on the medianXL forums and harassing people about it, but I think it's fun to play around with...

We are not banning anything but misinformation. You've been corrected many times by many people on your false assumptions, yet you persist in spreading misinformation.
Changing video settings or visual renderers doesn't make your character attack more times nor does it make it faster.
The internal speed clocks at 25 fps and that doesn't change if you're playing at 1 fps or 1000 fps.
If this notion is beyond your comprehension or you're mentally lethargic because of a condition or, for whatever reason, you're being dense on purpose, the message you have to understand doesn't change: stop spreading misinformation or eventually you will banned like any other demented troll.
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Lava Lord
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Hey I'm sorry to have offended you,

but I am just a player attempting to

better understand the game.

What I have seen is that others are making false accusations without evidence

While I have spent my time testing things, and even gathering evidence
Cow Ninja
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your evidence disproves your own claims and you don't know a damn thing about how the game works even when it's explicitly explained to you

just stop.
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Lava Lord
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Why don't you come play the game with me

Im testing things now, like I always am : D

Right now im testing curare+klatuu

on a stable 3.6 GHz clock
Edited by sappersummoner 10 months.
Cow Ninja
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perhaps if you spent less time testing and more time actually learning from your tests i'd consider it.
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Lava Lord
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well i cant help but respond to the evidence i get from actually playing the game...

anyways im in a game now testing these things called Scosglen Leveli
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Lava Lord
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anyways if you guys want to learn from my experience I have a lot to share on the subject matter...

I test lots of different games, and attempt to get the best performance out of them

so I actually know quite a lot about the subject matter... youre more than welcome to discuss the issue

with me ingame. please /w *sappersummoner

if you want to talk about improving the performance/game play of this game ; d

or maybe thats not what youre interested in... and youll just keep ignoring me
Lava Lord
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Do you do any programming sapper?
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momope wrote:Do you do any programming sapper?

Do you really thing that someone who thinks that overclocking your cpu will make the game that uses 1-2% of cpu run faster (thus making your char run/attack faster) knows how to code?