The Tantrumdin

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You can't do the new uldy with tantrum. I haven't really thought & tested out a plan for him with a paladin yet, since I have not played one since XVr. However if you wish to try him my first suggestion would be Apocalypse UHC - go for max damage possible & use 0.4 sec CD wyrd with lots of attack rating orbs on staff, supermaxed stormlord & 100% OW. You'll see why the apoc is necessary when you get to him.

As for what you should try - from the ones you listed definitely Brother Laz. It's my favourite uber in Median, it plays like nothing else in the mod and it's one of those intense bosses that give you real pleasure when you beat them the first time and then subsequently when you improve your technique.
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Is there a pala spec i can respec to for farming duncraig or something faster?
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You can try unholy melee but tantrum seriously wrecks Duncraig pretty fast if you just keep moving, especially with hanabigami. Just lay some tantrums down and they'll follow you right into them. When possibly surrounded, just use Divine Apparition to get out of trouble.
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
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GregMXL wrote:tantrum seriously wrecks Duncraig pretty fast if you just keep moving, especially with hanabigami. Just lay some tantrums down and they'll follow you right into them. When possibly surrounded, just use Divine Apparition to get out of trouble.

Personally I like to go full cheese by using sacred armor to lure everything first and THEN spam tantrum :D

Sacred armor is also good for cheesing the teleportation areas with sacred armor as soon as spell timer for divine apparition goes down, saves a lot of time trying to get body/re-enter from the swarm you're dealt with upon teleporting into the next block of the map.
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Hello. anyone can explain for me what is that breakpoints because i read it but i still dont understand what is it, how to use it or why is it important.
Maybe is seems noob, but my english is not the best. If someone can explain me step by step what is it for i would be thankfully.
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Speed calculator (for calculating breakpoints/speeds) screenshot:

you see the 2 tables with "Additionaly item IAS/FCS" and "Frame" columns. Frame column says how many frames in the game it takes for the attack or spell cast it takes to be animated/done. each frame is 1/25th of a second, so if an attack takes 25 frames to finish the animation, it will take 1 second to do each attack. so if your attacks have less frames, you can do more of them in the same time. you can reduce the number of frames required for attacks by having more IAS (% Increased Attack Speed from items or skills). the "Additional item IAS" in the table in the pic tells you how much more %IAS you need to reach the next frame "breakpoint".

in the case of the screenshot, the character needs 16% more increased attack speed from items to reach 10 frames per attack (which means it would take the attack 10/25 seconds to finish = 0.4s). if the character had 37% more attack speed, it would reach 9 frames per attack, making it even faster (0.36s per attack). in this case, 9 frames is the fastest it can go with this weapon/character.

the reason why there are frames is because the game calculates and draws everything everything in steps, every second has 25 steps, so one step (or frame) is 1/25th of a second long. nothing happens in between (visually), and animations can't take for example 9.5 frames or 9.2 frames, only 9 or 10, so anything in between that is rounded to 9 or 10. that's why anything in between 16% ias and 37% ias is wasted. either get 16% to have 9 frames, or 37% to have 10. that's why they're called breakpoints, because anything between is as if nothing has changed, and then there's a step change.

it works the same with faster cast rate, faster hit recovery, etc.

speeds calculator download:
guide: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=203
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Does any form of life steal/life on stirke work with Tantrum? I didn't notice any comments about it.
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Yes, both work great, but LoS will always work on physical immune monsters apart from LL. Also there's no penalty for LoS with each difficulty.
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What is better: Warbringer UMO or 5x CB MOs?
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Warbringer, just because as tantrumdin u relay more on elem dmg and proc rather than pure physical dmg. CB is nice but i would skip that.