The Tantrumdin

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Monkey King
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Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. A friend gave me a couple short war bows for crafting. 700 shrines down and i at least have a tantrum bow. Gives me alot more push to keep going with that small bit of success.
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Don't give up y'all.

Trying to screenshot but color is all jacked up, so let me explain my encouragement!

I probably rolled, as Suchbalance stated, ~400-500 or so times before I saw Tantrum. It didn't roll with a cTc, but it did have 30% to Dex, 20% All res, and 104% to MF. So I said screw it and kept it until I found a second sacred short war bow to roll that one.

I probably rolled both together over 1k times and I hadn't even seen cTc Arrow once. Tantrum a bunch of times and a plethora of insanely nice bows that either lacked cTc or Tantrum (holy shit frustrating, but pleasing at the same time knowing that insane roll WAS out there). In fact, I was about to post here bitching because I hadn't once seen cTc Arrow.

So, I went to sleep. Just woke up rolled a few Eerie shrines (again, like he said, fuck it and just roll whatever shrines you have) and got a pretty shit bow with the following stats: cTc Arrow, 15 Tantrum, 16 Energy, 123% Fire Resistance, and 125% Magic Find. So pretty shit in the DMG department. I then rolled an Abandoned Shrine and got an awesome +11 Dex. I then blessed it and didn't get jack shit. So I'll keep this one for now, but I def am gonna try to roll a better one in the future.

But for now? FIINNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAALYYY! Good luck y'all (you will frigging need it!)
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Tantrumholics anonymous :lol:
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Right? I really, really wanted to get one on a weird shrine roll. I got another one that I just had to keep, where one of the stats was like "adds 3-1050 damage" among a few really good other stats... but no tantrum. Now I'll have to build another character around that bow, which does some crazy thing like 600-1800 damage before any MO, runes, etc. Maybe a bow druid or such.
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Tantrumholics anonymous is pushing me to my patience limits lol.
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I admit I tried a gazillion shrines for Tantrum a few months ago but only after a few tries with Abandoned shrines did Tantrum oskill pop up. Grrr! :P
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
Stygian Watcher
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What would you say is the best mercenary for this build?

Tainted blood on my merc makes him a god (currently using A2 Fighter Mage for chronofield he'll get eventually)

I was thinking about one of these:
an A2 Shapeshifter (for the bloodlust)
A3 BloodMage for the heal ( I feel like this is a huge waste, because im already a god and i dont think hoping for a welltimed merc skill for when i get to very low health will work out well(
A1 Priestess for Tremor and pray and spray <3
And Lastly A5 merc, for a handy tank, With Gift of the wild buff for my team :V

Would love to get some feedback. On gearing the merc, would prolly just make him a tank for an easier terror experience.

But im not sure which one I want. Leaning heavily towards shapeshifter for bloodlust. Im just afraid he'll pounce into death.
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But... why you need merc?