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Grinch wrote:More cookies for you.

One Question: When we do an auction, does it automaticly creates a topic (with all informations) or does we have to look into the TG Center if there are new Auctions?

The auctions system is separate from the trade forum, so you will have to look at the TG centre every now and then to track auction progress. That's why the "latest posts in the trade section" module has now been added there too - so you can do most of your trading from one place.

thunderman wrote:@Marco
What about auctions that started before you applied these changes? They still valid?

Yes the auctions that were open in the trade forum prior to this announcement are valid and will finish as before. From now on, however, there will be no more auction related threads in the trade section, which was one of the goals of this system - reducing spam in the trade forum.

LHawkins1 wrote:You guys are seriously worried about a 5tg fee to create an auction?

That's just proof that his new auction concept is working already. If I understand correctly, it only says you must pay a 5tg fee to create the auction - not pay a refundable deposit. If the item is worth auctioning, your five will be made back within the winning bidder's offered amount.

Indeed, the seller has to spend 5 TG to start an auction. This is done in order to discourage people from listing worthless items, as good auctions will make way more currency anyway.
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suchbalance wrote:
LHawkins1 wrote:You guys are seriously worried about a 5tg fee to create an auction?

That's just proof that his new auction concept is working already. If I understand correctly, it only says you must pay a 5tg fee to create the auction - not pay a refundable deposit. If the item is worth auctioning, your five will be made back within the winning bidder's offered amount.

Indeed, the seller has to spend 5 TG to start an auction. This is done in order to discourage people from listing worthless items, as good auctions will make way more currency.

Apologies. My question wasn't directed at the admins. I was directing it towards the people who were complaining about having to pay to get paid.
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suchbalance wrote:The auctions system is separate from the trade forum, so you will have to look at the TG centre every now and then to track auction progress.

Thanks for pointing that out, SB!

There is some picture to the left of the auction, when I click it a small white rectangle appears, but nothing else. I'll try to tweak my browser options, but really I just wanna know what it does.
/e: NVM! It's very likely just the picture that you can add in the screenshot box (duh!). There just isn't a picture for it because a) none has been given in that particular auction or b) if there is a picture my browser doesn't show it because images are disabled. :D
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xzmnick wrote:
Marco wrote: there is a 5 TG fee to create an auction.
Needless to say, auction topics are no longer allowed.

Sellout smell I here.

have you seen my lambo yet? dis so good.
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Possible to make the pictures shown in the original size? As example: if u look into the trophy auction and click on the image u get a like 500x500 pixel picture :D
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Marco wrote:..., there is a 5 TG fee to create an auction.

Any way I don't understand. When we donate to forum we already send all money, and get TG, wich we can spend only on this forum. But now we have to spend part of our money (5 TG) once more to use Auction service on forum. We must pay twice. Nonsence IMHO.

And can't I make new Auction in trade section as before myself for free?
Set "-" if you want. :(
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I think you guys are not understanding the concept of an auction. You aren't intended to auction items that will sell for 10 or 20 TG. But it's not necessarily about the price. If there is an item that regularly sells for 50 TG, and you auction it for 50 TG, you only end up with 45 TG profit. Lesson of the day? Auctions are not intended for items with fixed price on the market. If you are about to auction an item and are not sure it will be worth it becuase of the -5 TG, then you probably should not be auctioning that item.

The purpose of the fee isn't to take TG from users, otherwise it would be a %, rather than just 5 TG which is neglible. If auctions were free, what would stop some newbie to post all his trash SU and get in the way of the auctions that matter? Exactly.
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In search of "How to read and think" thread on forum. Can't seem to find it anywhere.