Tempestsucks - Lightning/Cold Sorc

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Anzy0 wrote:Hey,

I have a quick question regarding the gear:
I just unlocked destruction and got my Elverfolk.
What do I do with the honorifics? Do I keep them?
I tried crafting some gloves/boots but the reqs are just to high to wear them.

Keep the honorifics until you get some basic charms that add stats, once you get some you can invest a bit into strength to equip the sacred crafts. Make sure the sacred crafts are the lowest str required ones (leather gloves/boots/sash, etc.) . Also make sure to use the Zomg recipe to make room for more MO space.
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annihilus5 wrote:
Keep the honorifics until you get some basic charms that add stats, once you get some you can invest a bit into strength to equip the sacred crafts. Make sure the sacred crafts are the lowest str required ones (leather gloves/boots/sash, etc.) . Also make sure to use the Zomg recipe to make room for more MO space.

Wait, so i downgrade the sacred items to lvl 1? I thought a good idea was to find some rare sacreds with good stats/bonuses and then shrine craft them. Do I do this with my runewords as well?

Sorry for being so clueless, I am very new to the mod and couldn't really find a detailed guide to sacred items and what to do with them.
Otherwise thanks for your help I will try to get the charms asap.
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Anzy0 wrote:
annihilus5 wrote:
Wait, so i downgrade the sacred items to lvl 1? I thought a good idea was to find some rare sacreds with good stats/bonuses and then shrine craft them. Do I do this with my runewords as well?

Sorry for being so clueless, I am very new to the mod and couldn't really find a detailed guide to sacred items and what to do with them.
Otherwise thanks for your help I will try to get the charms asap.

When you shrine craft a rare item all the stats are rerolled on it, the item will have its own stats, the shrines bonuses, and then if it is a good roll you can try to shrine bless it for even more stats.

You can shrine bless any sacred item, but only one time.

For example if you use ornate shrines on leather gloves the gloves can get a base amount of 15% lightning spell dmg, the shrine can give it another 15%. and then you can then use another ornate shrine + arcane crystal for a chance at even more lightning damage/-enemy lightning resist. (these aren't the actual max # amounts just example) If the shrine blessing didn't work/you aren't satisfied with the roll you can continue rolling it with more shrines

The zomg recipe isn't for runewords.
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annihilus5 wrote:
The zomg recipe isn't for runewords.

But when do I use it then?
Since it only works on magic items, do I use it to set up the honorifics?

Thanks mate, all the clarification really helps a lot.
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Shrine Crafts.

Zomg drops the ilvl back to 1 so your crafts (double MO) have more MO space.
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Prime_Evil wrote:Shrine Crafts.

Zomg drops the ilvl back to 1 so your crafts (double MO) have more MO space.

I just realized you can do the zomg recipe with sacred items.
Damn, I thought you could not :'D

Thanks for helping me out.
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take blue sacred item(magical), cube with a blue ring/amulet and it will become ilvl1. Then use oil of enhancement and any rune on the blue sacred item and it will become yellow(rare). Then it is ready to have shrines used on it
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Hey guys, I have a few more questions regarding this build.

First of all thank you very much for this cool build. It's the first one I ever play on MXL (Still fairly new player) and I find it really fun.
Also many thanks for the kind help so far.

I just started doing ubers. Still have to do Black Road Challenge (Fauztinville).

1. What are some good investments for spare points? I am maxing Chronofield, Thunderstone, Warp Armor and Snow Queen. 12 Points into familiar, rest is one point. So far I put Tempest to max as well for the convenient clearing utility and the rest into Arcane Torrent in case of immunity. Thought about putting more into Shatter the Flesh/Abyss since they may be more useful against lightning immune enemies since my Mana is not that high (Need to put lots of points into Strength for the belt).

2. I really struggle with survivability and I think I lack some knowledge in terms of the priority of the different defense stats.
Here are my stats: http://i.imgur.com/qVKTSwN.png
Maybe I'm missing something. I have to get an idea of how high certain stats have to be at certain points in the game first, I guess.
I do not exceed the max resistances at the moment since I won't be killing any res piercing ubers.
Alternatively I am just bad, which is okay as well. In that case I'll just keep practicing kiting etc.

Thanks for all the answers that might come, I really appreciate it.

Edited by Anzy0 7 years.
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Anzy0 wrote:Hey guys, I have a few more questions regarding this build.

First of all thank you very much for this cool build. It's the first one I ever play on MXL (Still fairly new player) and I find it really fun.
Also many thanks for the kind help so far.

I just started doing ubers. Still have to do Black Road Challenge (Fauztinville).

1. What are some good investments for spare points? I am maxing Chronofield, Thunderstone, Warp Armor and Snow Queen. 12 Points into familiar, rest is one point. So far I put Tempest to max as well for the convenient clearing utility and the rest into Arcane Torrent in case of immunity. Thought about putting more into Shatter the Flesh/Abyss since they may be more useful against lightning immune enemies since my Mana is not that high (Need to put lots of points into Strength for the belt).

2. I really struggle with survivability and I think I lack some knowledge in terms of the priority of the different defense stats.
Here are my stats: http://i.imgur.com/qVKTSwN.png
Maybe I'm missing something. I have to get an idea of how high certain stats have to be at certain points in the game first, I guess.
I do not exceed the max resistances at the moment since I won't be killing any res piercing ubers.
Alternatively I am just bad, which is okay as well. In that case I'll just keep practicing kiting etc.

Thanks for all the answers that might come, I really appreciate it.


You don't have to spend all points if you dont want to. Tempest is fine to drop extras in, but you should be getting more +max skills from minigames + charms soon, if you're just starting ubers. Saving them for future use is fine unless you feel like spending them since you'll have to respec later on anyways for more points into your core skills.

Stacking resist is necessary, even if not doing bosses. It'll help you survive general gameplay more easily. Warp Armor + Snow Queen passives give you a ton of def and some avoid, along with the aura from Ice Elementals giving 25% DR / 3/2 defense or something. Make sure you always keep them summoned for the aura buff, and get some stacked resist if you're dying to spells

Edit: Your imgur link is broken. You have two http:// in it. I fixed it here: http://i.imgur.com/qVKTSwN.png

Also after looking at your stat sheet, your str and dex are low, which must mean you haven't quite moved up to sacred gear yet (I assume)? Those will give you more defense and be easier to wear with easy-to-get charms like Quov Tsin, Butcher, Judgment Day upgrade (fairly easy), and scroll of kings
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LHawkins1 wrote:Edit: Your imgur link is broken. You have two http:// in it. I fixed it here: http://i.imgur.com/qVKTSwN.png

Fixed that, thanks. Was editing the link and somehow messed up.
LHawkins1 wrote:Also after looking at your stat sheet, your str and dex are low, which must mean you haven't quite moved up to sacred gear yet (I assume)? Those will give you more defense and be easier to wear with easy-to-get charms like Quov Tsin, Butcher, Judgment Day upgrade (fairly easy), and scroll of kings

I was trying to get most points into energy as possible in order to make Arcane Torrent most effective as possible. But it does not seem to work out. Still can't to Fauztinville.

I will try getting those charms and upgrade to sacred items, thank you very much!