SP vs MP

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mahitovec wrote:doing atleast 75% of content SOLO,

Heh... still can't even get Red Vex and/or Rathma set for whole season while farming K3KBA/TA/Dunc in every run... But ye. I can spent around 1-3 hours per day in total. I mean that solo is all about RNG.
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no pain, no gain. drop rates are perfectly fine, dont start this over again... also, all those 75% are doable with mid-game crafts.
this is how it works in this world, particularly for MXL:
1) You invest time and success
2) You do not invest time and fail
3) You sit on forums and complain, instead of doing 1).
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I'll upvote it in 14 hours
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what if you fail after invest time?
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Polar Worm
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void wrote:what if you fail after invest time?

its just the rng bro, but on mp u have less chance of fail
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Everyone here has already given good advice, so I'll just throw in my 2 cents, FWIW.

IMO, SP and MP are both fantastic platforms, depending on what you want to do. Personally, I use SP to theorycraft and test build viability. The higher drop rates, /players setting, and PlugY's shared stash and built-in tools--as well as the infamous "d-word"--make it a great platform for this. At the same time, I use MP to put what I've tested into practice, interact with other players, and listen to new ideas I may not have considered before (gear suggestions, strategies, build possibilities, etc.). There's also a thrill that comes with a new ladder reset that you just don't get with SP. It's like running a 10k. You find your bracket (in this case, choose a character/build), maybe chat with a couple familiar faces you see in the crowd. How's life? What sort of shoes are you using this year? That sort of thing. As you all move up to the starting line, the banner comes into view. The conversation dies down. In the distance, you hear a fading "good luck" as your buddies--who are now your competition--push their way to the front. You do the same. You watch the countdown timer with nervous anticipation. 3--you put your hand on your stopwatch. 2--you get low. 1--you lean forward. Bang! The starting gun fires. As if by instinct, you hit the button on your watch and you burst across the line, elbowing others around you as you try to break away from the pack. From here on, nothing else matters; it's just you and the road.

As for being a brand new player starting a week before a reset, my suggestion is to start on MP. IMO, now is the perfect time to start. Servers aren't bogged down, items are cheap or free, and there are still plenty of people online willing to help a noob out and show you the ropes. Understand that during the first week or so of a ladder, people are rushing to achieve their goals for the season, so taking time out to help a noob with Volrath isn't a priority for them; they have their own things to worry about.
Rust Claw
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Prime_Evil wrote:lvl cap is 125 on MP where on SP its 120, Xis runewords need 121 on realm , while in SP 120 is fine since its cap there. the rest has already been mentioned above.

Pretty sure they said with median xl 2017 core the seasonal stuff is making it into singleplayer (up until now anyway)
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SP is just for test chars only before it goes ladder for real in TSW
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mahitovec wrote:Trading =/= duping save files and sending them in exchange for another duped saves.

Im sure on SP ppl farm six Xis Runes instead of duping them :D and delete items that trade :)
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Ethario wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:lvl cap is 125 on MP where on SP its 120, Xis runewords need 121 on realm , while in SP 120 is fine since its cap there. the rest has already been mentioned above.

Pretty sure they said with median xl 2017 core the seasonal stuff is making it into singleplayer (up until now anyway)

I'm pretty sure I saw the same thing, that SP and MP are going to be equal in every way, that one isn't going to have more content than the other after M2K17. I remember seeing M2K17 (before it was called what it is) is suppose to be a huge piece of excitement for SP players more than MP players.

Edit: 100th post! A new PB! :mrgreen: