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Barb nerfs are imo nothing, damage from bear stance was really minimal and hardly significant. You just can't use now all spiral/deathgaze/stampede as 1 pointers, instead need 5 more points if you want to "Unlock" the skill (btw much better way of limitng trees than making entire tree locked, because you can still mix them if you sacrifice something).
I'd say barb nerfs, at least melee ones are so minimal its gonna be hard to even notice the difference.

As for sorc, it does look weird. I'm guessing that debuff nova is supposed to be main compensator for ice elemental aura removal, because honestly, running with 400k def cold sorc was wayyy better than having more life from fire tree, it isn't even close to making up for loss of that defense.
I guess we have to deal with that caster sorc can't be tanky.
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And if you are not going for 3s fortress you easily have enough points for those 6 points.
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Cow Ninja
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Anonymous: wrote:And if you are not going for 3s fortress you easily have enough points for those 6 points.

Or you could drop few points from ancient's blood (get ias from motw). There is many ways of finding those points.
It gets little trickier if you want both skills usable, like spiral dance + deathgaze, then its 10 points.
You could just go pure 1h sword with spiral, ignore cold tree entirely and then you end up with same amount of points. Maxing spiral will probably net you enough added damage to make up for loss of ed from bear stance and thundergod.
However you look at it, nerf is minor.
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Yup, barb is still barb.
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Minus 5-10 skillpoints.
No dmg from Bear stance.
No bonus dmg from TG.
Wolf stance fix.
NASRALdin 40% dex reduce.

Not sure how minimal it is tbh :D Endgame it wont matter that much obviously, but in the early-mid game it will be noticeable for sure.
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Nasral ? kak zapach ?
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Onyx Knight
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mahitovec wrote:Minus 5-10 skillpoints.
No dmg from Bear stance.
No bonus dmg from TG.
Wolf stance fix.
NASRALdin (lmao) 40% dex reduce.

Not sure how minimal it is tbh :D Endgame it wont matter that much obviously, but in the early-mid game it will be noticeable for sure.

Agreed, I would understand nerfing one thing, but hitting barb in 3 areas at once(skillpoints and two damage sources, %physical and flat lightning) seems like overkill. Throwbarbs(and melees with Gladiator's I guess) got an extra kick in the nuts with the helmet RW, which was a solid choice if you wanted max block, but now it's weaker so it's gonna be harder to reach that 75% cap. Not sure HOW MUCH harder, or how hard it was in the first place, cause I played 2h melee, but a nerf is a nerf.

Also I intended to roll a sorc this patch but she got more changes than I expected and I don't feel like beta testing that shit :D
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Thats makes me want to try melee necro, and to build a pouncing amazon as I was told not to in last ladder due to dark portal passive bug.
Pouncing amazon is good right ?
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She is good only for farming certain areas, getting charms is going to be one majestic gaming experience.
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Really surprised with Bear Stance nerf. It's not only affecting barb himself, but three other chars that have access to it via oskill (paladin, druid, nagisin) and automatically weakens your merc. Maybe that is the reason to prevent merc from being Op? ((now that we have merc bug fixed)
Hard to tell, but other changes suggest this patch should be harder, for those who complained game was too easy it feels like a good change.

Ps. Personally I want to thank for fixing tainted blood (if I understood it right) 8-)