Poison Assassin

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Thunder Beetle
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Is there any viable build for this ? Or could anyone just give me some pointers.

Currently: Lvl 110 , got 25 k dmg with buff. Without 6k only. Dont know what to specc or if i should specc in energy or dex?

Thanks ! :)
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It depends on your gear, 25k poison dmg is really low. Do you have the Wyrd set? I recommend completing that set first. It's basically mandatory when going poison endgame.

Besides high poison spell damage you need to get enough pierce.
Thunder Beetle
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Muilpeer wrote:It depends on your gear, 25k poison dmg is really low. Do you have the Wyrd set? I recommend completing that set first. It's basically mandatory when going poison endgame.

Besides high poison spell damage you need to get enough pierce.

Nope.. Only good item is that zayls shield with 7all assa skills and some pierce.

So set is good? any other gear specifiks? for amu now i use that one with 50ps duration 1 skill. Isnt that better then whole set? tu4 greaves boots and lilith belt.
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Berkabus wrote:
Muilpeer wrote:It depends on your gear, 25k poison dmg is really low. Do you have the Wyrd set? I recommend completing that set first. It's basically mandatory when going poison endgame.

Besides high poison spell damage you need to get enough pierce.

Nope.. Only good item is that zayls shield with 7all assa skills and some pierce.

So set is good? any other gear specifiks? for amu now i use that one with 50ps duration 1 skill. Isnt that better then whole set? tu4 greaves boots and lilith belt.

Wyrd set would still be a better choice, aside from the pierce and PSD, it also gives Amatoxin which boosts your damage and max psn res.
You should take a look at the top Assassins on ladder, 99% of them run this build with the same gear setup.
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Your damage is low since u need lots +skills, which u will soon get from charms (:
Not sure how easy it is to trade for items this late in season, but u can check my assa (name Rolex) on notarmory if u want to see skill distribution and some gear.
Unlike most people I ran crafted boots with 2assa skills/psn dmg/pierce/all attributes and triple blessed, and lunar eclipse for belt.
Wyrd set is alot easier to get and will grant u some more pierce I believe.
Removed some items/relic from my char atm, but hopefully it can be abit helpful to check it at least.

As for stats, u want as much vita as u can as the psn dmg doesn't scale from energy. So just enough str/dex for gear.
Also, u dont need spell focus, which makes crafting jewels alot easier (: