What games are you playing atm? V2

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Pit Knight
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Path of Exile, and Eternal Card Game.
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Finished Assassin Creed 4 : Black Flag, finally got to see haytham in nice ending. I dont exactly liked the game though, maybe because too much time spent slowly moving across the sea.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2:
I think i pirated the first game, so went I saw I claim it free with coins in chrono.gg, it immediately take. I think I completed first 2 mission. It kinda remind me of that sniper mission from CoD 4 : Modern Warfare, but with less set pieces. If you are super hardcore to sniper with bullet drop in highest difficulty with wind speed and distance, this is game for you. I just stick to normal difficulty since it show laser sight for bullet destination. Metacritic score seem like average, but I dont put high expectation much anyway. As long as it can be completed without game stopping bug, it is good enough.

Dont play number 3, ppl said it is trash.
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AoE Capitalism at it's finest - sick game, check it out:

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Jungle Hunter
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Witcher 3 for the millionth time. This time on NG++ as full story play through, Xenoverse 2, Median XL( sigma when? whist plz), Smite.
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Kraken Guard
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Got back to playing Rift after a couple years' hiatus.
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I paid 10$ for this.
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Fire emblem warriors

Short review: it‘s like one of those one piece games where there are like 2 hundred enemies in front of you, just standing still doing nothing. Then there are bosses that get stunlocked by your attacks. Gameplay 1/10 story ?/10 (I haven‘t played it long enough) graphics 7/10 dubs 5/10. will return it tomorrow.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Typical japano rpg. Cat girl: check. Some girl with a bust like 2 Mt. Everests: Check. Some catchy guy as the protagonist who wants to save everyone: check. Cute little creatures as mascots: check.
At first the battle system looked rather lame. You basically have Auto attacks and by hitting your enemy a certain amount of times you unlock special abilities. But then you also get your drivers attack, which can be used after you attack the enemies with your abilities. This driver attack can also be upgraded up to the 4th level, causing much more damage. But hey that‘s not all. You basically never walk around alone and you can also tell your companions to activate their driver attacks. And you can time your abilities right after an auto attack so you can do greater damage. Oh and to do even more damage, you should use your abilities after your third auto attack.

So yeah the battle system is much more complex than it looks at first glance and makes you want to plan ahead.

Things I didn‘t like about it
-„oh nooo. Our friend was captured“ - „I‘m hungry let‘s eat“ (yeah this was basically the dialogue in the game, which was thrown into just to make a typical anime like situation where someone‘s face turns red because his stomach growls to get some laughs. *yawn*)
- You can level your characters by sleeping in a tavern. It was actually said that if the game turns out too easy, you should skip this feature. I mean wtf. I shall refrain from upgrading myself to the fullest just because the devs are too lazy to balance the game?
- despite a beautiful and detailed world (much better than Zelda botw) it lacks interaction. The only thing you can interact with are npc‘s like enemies and townsfolk and chests. But hey, there are also gathering points where you can find resources.
- the characters are rather stiff which doesn‘t suite then tbh, except for the robot.
-the boob girl has aside from her boobs nothing to show off as a character. I played the game for a good 8 hours and I still don‘t get what her personality is like.

Gameplay 8/10 story 7/10 graphics 9/10 dubs 5/10 (I don‘t know where the voice actor from the mc comes from, but he sure isn‘t from the usa. It sounds a bit like he‘s from England, but at the same time he doesn‘t. His speech kinda annoys me.
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Son of Lucion
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The Witcher 3, I can't believe how good this game is.
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Rust Claw
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Prime_Evil wrote:Got back to playing Rift after a couple years' hiatus.

What time frame did you play/quit a couple years ago? I played in 2014-2015, on Wolfsbane server. Was a great game before the community collapsed. Very surprised to see someone having even played it.
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Kraken Guard
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Xenomorphous wrote:
Prime_Evil wrote:Got back to playing Rift after a couple years' hiatus.

What time frame did you play/quit a couple years ago? I played in 2014-2015, on Wolfsbane server. Was a great game before the community collapsed. Very surprised to see someone having even played it.

Im european so i played on European shards, on Typhiria to be exact. Used to play during daytime since i work at night, didnt matter if morning or afternoon, whenever i had time for it or when my guild had a specific raid scheduled during daytime since i was the main tank. Right now im playing on Gelidra tho because its a less populated shard, i want a more quieter place this time around. Havent even joined any guilds yet tho i probably should because guild perks. Welp.