Sigma 1.1 Bugs & Feedback

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tranvanhieu wrote:The Demon Blood aura from Iron Golem (used "Lo" Paladin shield or Unique hexblade) is acting strangely.
It increases player's HP, but give no life regeneration,and won't work on minion HP (the HP bar got added an emptied space~about 25% max HP, but won't fill up full HP all).

Can confirm. Most, if not all HP bars of my minion are bugging out. Looks to me like it's either a visual bug or (worse) the extra HP is not added.
Dark Huntress
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NiH rune does not extend buff duration
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Pennybags wrote:
kissofaries wrote:
Pennybags wrote:Im not 100% sure of how +life after kill from spellbound is intended to work along with totems but something seems off. When totems kill monsters the player regains life (cool), but as far as I can tell the totems do not (bug?). My understanding from totemic mastery is that totems should inherit this LAK giving life return to both the player and the totem.

the totems are worked as your spell, so it will heal you instead of the totem.

Does this mean that totems would only inherit LAK and regain life if it is the player that does the killing?

No, totem is "treated" as your spell. So it is like you killing stuffs. If you kill then you will get life via laek
Acid Prince
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Sorry for google english.
I get a few bos on Kabraxis during the fight.
screenshot 2 below. Also happening on Baal there creeps out at once several big minions.
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Night Hawk will caused those "spawning" bosses spawns a lot (inarius). Hell Baal can summon his minions/visions when he hits you/your minions (RNG based).

Tl;dr don't use Night Hawk until the boss is summoned AND ONLY USE IRON GOLEM + Night Hawk + Rathma's Chosen/Veil King FOR HELL BAAL UNLESS YOU WANT TO FIGHT 6213521 ADDS :coolstorybob:
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Monkey King
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Eagle stance has been nerfed even harder than I thought

The patch notes say
Life regeneration rate has been halved, removed attack speed penalty. Now only affects you
Mana Regeneration is now 40%+10%/Base Level, down from 25%+25%/Base Level

The life regen rate was cut more than just half
Even at level 72 Eagle Stance it's still a 24 second regeneration time.
Conflicts with the patch notes

EDIT: I finished testing it in single player. Even at level 150, the fastest regeneration time for 100% is 20.5 seconds. If it was actually halved, level 70ish should be 16 seconds roughly.
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Remove Banish from Terul. It is funny when Terul can 1 shot your 120k hp iron golem with his iron spiral :coolstorybob:
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Positive feedback:
leveling more smooth now, almost able to do first ubers by the time i reached them, road to 120 was better too
new wps at uber locations - very nice

Negative feedback:
increased range on some mob skills (trap rats, sunless angels, ect) - too powerfull
nerfing skills with increased mana - bad design and only limits you in early game anyways

containers for gems
unlock all locked containers OR new key charm with refresh quantity
Jungle Hunter
26 | 0
The new Necromancer pets need a movement speed boost, they move very slow wich is very annoying and time consuming. At least from level 1 dont know about later, but it makes leveling a pain, when you need to stop and w8 for pets all the time. A simple solution could be the new warp skill work on enemys instead.
The warp skill is useless to begin with why wanna warp to your minions unless you summon a new pet in front of you, but why all that skill switch on a point its not nessesary.

Hope to see a fix one way or another soon.
23 | 0
kissofaries wrote:Remove Banish from Terul. It is funny when Terul can 1 shot your 120k hp iron golem with his iron spiral :coolstorybob:
