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Point was that alcohol dealers are easier to approach and handle.
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Just released from rehab (again). Good news is that I got some new Sigma players from there. Addicts seem to love D2. :mweed: :D
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Welcome back, and beware of sigma addiction.
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Amazon Warrior
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Thank you and I am. Well my relapse got some new Sigma followers, so something "positive".
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My brother and his wife got addict to heroin bad for 5 years, my brother stole my dead grandpa's wedding band and total a $6000 to feed his habit. He is clean now, but it took awhile to forgive him. My brothers wife almost died she was hospitalized with a blood infection for 3 month in the quarantine ward, they took her eye because of that infection she now has a glass eye. She has also been clean a year now.

My mother in law also is currently addicted to heroin and she abandon his youngest child which I am currently taking care of (with help of my girl). We are fighting for full custody, she is MIA no idea where she staying in the end police gonna have to arrest her to bring her to family court... or we gonna find her and serve her... so we've been searching... the kid is 14. Also my girl's father OD and died 3 years ago, so my girl and her brother losses a father and the mother is on the lamb doing god know what to get her fix. It's been rough

Lastly is my experience with drugs, Thank God i never got hook on anything, I have tried every drug in the book so i'm no saint, but my drug of chose was molly, acid, mushrooms, and cocaine... I was a hippie didn't like pill... I would use psychoactive 3 times in one weekend until I meet my girl, I settled down but I still used until my ex OD and died, followed by several other friends and acquaintances. Now I know everybody died using way more harmful drugs then I took but I guess I got survivors guilt cause I tell you man, it could have been me hook on H, So I don't do drugs anymore because I have witness the damage it has done my circle of friends and family. If you know anybody that's an addict keep in mind, It could have been me...

Currently I only drink once a week, with friends, and I always cheers to the dead

edit: good news I got full custody
Edited by kingkoopa300 4 years.
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Here we go again! I had to drop my medicine (bipolar disorder) and it didn't take long when I just flipped. Started to contact old friends to get some Oxycontin and been living with it for a few weeks now. I stopped a while ago and now just drinking beer to handle myself.

I just hate how easily old habits comes to haunt you... I though I would already be stronger now but it's just lying to yourself.
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Jampula wrote:Here we go again! I had to drop my medicine (bipolar disorder) and it didn't take long when I just flipped. Started to contact old friends to get some Oxycontin and been living with it for a few weeks now. I stopped a while ago and now just drinking beer to handle myself.

I just hate how easily old habits comes to haunt you... I though I would already be stronger now but it's just lying to yourself.

That's just the name of the game with addiction man. I've been struggling with porn addiction for the last 16 years since I was a young kid and came across it accidentally, it kicks me to the ground constantly. The kicker here is that I'm very religious and despite trying to live a life free from porn and only look to my wife for that sexual outlet, I get this massive craving for internet pornography every few days.

There have been so many times that I thought I was past it and those are always the times I find myself relapsing. It feels so terrible to not be in control and to just go on that auto pilot only to realize afterwards that it wasn't worth it. But time after time I just have to get up and tell myself that I'm not a terrible person -- I can choose to be better today. Hope you're doing better now man. With your situation I'd probably see what you could do to find a healthier outlet for whatever negativity or unhappiness in your life is making you want to use. Hopefully someone will come into your life who will be able to be a crutch for you to lean on to get through it!
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Yes, sex is very addictive. I realise it's personal but try to evaluate your sex life in the family. Is everything ok there ? Yes, two people have different needs plus that religion thing might come in the play. But try to discuss it, people show love in different ways, for one it is physical contact, for other it's honest and deep communications, for others it is mutual activities and so on. Might be that you and wife have different needs and both will need to make some adjustment or eve sacrifice. But that will bring more happiness, plus it's a struggle and commitment - sacrifice yourself for better future - goes well with religious point of view. And with that happy love life the need for other sources of pleasure will begone. Cause porn is pleasure and happy family is happiness. Pleasure is temporary and happiness is eternal. I wish you the best of luck.
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Anonymous: wrote: Pleasure is temporary and happiness is eternal.

To be honest, I disagree. I think any kind of happiness is only temporary, since life as a whole is a concatenation of temporary states of mind. Which is why it's so important to lean back and just enjoy the moment once in a while. But without sadness, there is no happiness and vice versa. I guess the yin-yang symbol displays that perfectly.
Either way, I don't think there is any such thing like eternal happiness. Imagine a cotton socks factory, with the cotton socks being endorphins. If there's no cotton, you can't make socks. So from a ecological point of view, what would be the next best thing? Change your materials to something different. And that's what our brains do all the time, which is why we constantly pursue the next step of happiness, even though this will also only be temporary. So what we humans don't get is that the constant pursuit of happiness is essencially pretty useless, though it's not bad at all because that is our drive, our need to go on. Living for the moment is hard, I know, but being able to free yourself of the pursuit of happiness itself is much more rewarding than any new car you buy or porn you watch or blunt you smoke can ever be.

One way to achieve that mindset is meditation. It's hard to learn completely shutting down your thoughts for more than 2 seconds, but once you get the gist of it, it'll be easier on you. And doing that regularly for 15 minutes a day for 1 month will already make you feel happier, more balanced, more connected to the world.

As for myself, I've been addicted to many things in my life. Porn, weed, gaming, alcohol, tobacco. I even got withdrawal symptoms from lack of social contacts at one point in my life, if that counts. I found a rather weird way to counter almost all of those addictions (aside from tobacco, but I'm working on it and social contacts for obvious reasons). I use subliminal messages to essentially interrupt my world view and learn and adapt a new, better attitude. Subliminals are basically just messages read out by text to speech programs, but so quiet that you can't consciously pick them up. That leads to those messages and positive beliefs being ingrained into your brain without the brain questioning it.

There's this friend of mine who struggled with weed, tobacco and alcohol too. I made her a subliminal file and within only 3 weeks, she stopped smoking weed, drinking alcohol and the consumption of cigarettes was reduced quite a lot. She only smokes them halfway and with less frequency now. I also added suggestions that makes her feel less stress, and more happiness in general since she's not very emotionally stable, especially when she listens to certain songs, and she also feels those changes in her everyday life.

So it goes to show it's not only me that this kind of thing has helped. I did try it for my porn addiction before, and it helped me to get some distance to that as well.

Though I have to admit that I relapsed multiple times as well, before I was able to completely "cure" myself. In the end, subliminals are only an option to make the way easier but it won't get you to the goal in an instant. It takes time and constant repitition for the messages to fully bloom. Also, I wouldn't advice using youtube subliminals because in the recent times there have been quite a few subliminal makers exposed who added harmful suggestions. So if you want to try it out, it would be better to create the subliminals yourself. I don't mind questions regarding how to make them and how to correctly phrase the subliminals. I'd be happy to help. And yes, you can make them entirely for free within less than 20 minutes if you already have a script.
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People think I have an alcohol problem...



I think I can make it just fine.