What is Median XL: Sigma

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Shovelspoon wrote:I've noticed there's going to be quite a few things that allow configurable options. Are these options going to be in-game or would they have to be edited in a .ini file or something similar?

All configured in-game via a new GUI page.
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No need to mention me. Everything was beautifully written, my friend. Remarkable how far you've come with modding. Congrats and thank you!
I don't mean to dwell...but I can't help myself.
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Marco wrote:(*) Ever wondered why Median replaces existing areas rather than adding new ones? Or why does act 4 have no uberquests? This is because of a limitation that doesn't allow you to add new areas to the game. This, however, will be possible in sigma.

Hey Marco, does this mean it would be possible to have a portal-activating item that leads to a new area (similar to the secret cow level)?
If so, that would be awesome! Imagine a chain of uberquests where you are required to get a portal scroll from one uberquest to get to the next quest, and, the next, and so on... (-:
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Yes, of course. Would also be possible to spawn portals from skills, by killing certain monsters, and who knows what else... :)
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Stealthmaster wrote:Marco, are you planning to nerf ridiculous sell value of rare items?

+ have you thought of increasing Mystic Orbs' value (if they still exist in Sigma)? - they once costed about 100k gold iirc - when 'auto pick up gold' thing will be implemented. You can use Summint RW from the beginning and become rich quite fast if you kill every monster in the regular game, who will eventually drop gold. We don't know the amount of money monsters will drop in Sigma, but I assume MO's can be made at least 10 times more expensive than they are now. :?
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Old median XL have it super expensive because everyone want to be edgy and playing super hard games for hard core player.

At the end, it only made game tedious and not fun.
People abused %gold find solely just to find gold for more MO a gear which obsolete after few minute playing.

You can make gold to be worth more, but increasing MO price is definitely not one of them IMO.
I rather make full use of meditation candle or victim heart in recipe since it is been underused in overall crafting recipes.
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Any plans to bring back day/night lighting in regular maps? I don't know if it used to work with Glide in original D2, but it does work without Glide. MXL only has Dark Wood with, so to say, 'special lighting' (forever dark). Even MXL is all about rainbow colors and slaying monsters when you dont pay much attention on many other things, having 'daylight' and 'nighttime' while going thru the regular game would be cool, imo.
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And weather? I don't remember too much of that. Same with the Altar in the Claw Viper Temple. That sudden darkness when hitting the Lost City was interesting :)
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Enemies spawning with specific weather :mrotate:
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didnt blizz scrap an idea that certain skills gained stats based on time of day? (lol if Barb thunder god skill, drops fist of heaven every time lighning strikes during thunder storm!)