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cnlnjzfjb wrote:
CaoBao wrote:High Labs are not meant for speed farming anyway. And as for build type it is matter of preference, some people love more active gameplay, some preffer 1 skill builds,it is up ti you to choose. However i agree that there is almost no innate aoe wdm skill on any character that i can say is impressive for endgame content. Thats why we have relics/runewords.

Actually, I dont fully agree "High Labs are not meant for speed farming anyway." There are several builds that can farm t10 in a pretty good speed, I bet u must know. To say the least, u think all the lvl 150 chars are farming t10 with a slow speed, or the same speed? I dont think so. And from my tries on ladder or tests in sp or friends with lvl 150 chars on ladder, there is a notable difference of farming speed/operation difficulty/gear cost among those builds which can farm t10.

I agree ppl have different favors, ofc. And one can play whatever class/style he likes. But weaker builds are chosen less by players, powerful class/builds will be more popular, it is just a fact of statistics happening every season. And it is not about slow or fast, it is about balance. And that is why there are buffs/nerfs every season.

Just wanted to point out as for speed farming, Labs are not like fauzt/scosglen where you just focus on killing as fast and as many possible. There is always posibility of dying(level lockdown) and because of that you play more carefully which slows your Clear speed alot.Every good player, no matter how strong they are will always aproach high Labs with a dose of respect and carefullness.
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Bone Archer
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Great news! Megahype!
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Horadric Mage
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CaoBao wrote:Just wanted to point out as for speed farming, Labs are not like fauzt/scosglen where you just focus on killing as fast and as many possible. There is always posibility of dying(level lockdown) and because of that you play more carefully which slows your Clear speed alot.Every good player, no matter how strong they are will always aproach high Labs with a dose of respect and carefullness.

U mean speed farming for 5-10 mins clearing t10 fully like fauzt? That is impossible. As far as I know, no build can do that. I have done at least 100+ t10 runs, ofc I know it should be careful, like u said. But the point is: Different builds have different speed farming and survivability in t9/t10. First tier would be 25-30 mins. Top tier could make in 20 mins a run, but that is almost the very top speed, high AOE damage + not bad single damage + super toughness, I can barely do it only by Azurewrath + Guard Tower builds. Normal tier just 40-60 mins a run. The "carefullness" u need to take is just different if u really played enough different builds in t10. Im not saying it no needs carefullness or survivability, which I totally agree with u. Im saying the carefullness u need is notably different if u really played enough different builds in t10. If speed farming means 5-10 mins clearing t9/t10, then I fully agree high labs are not meant for speed farming.
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Core Lord
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I've heard rumors for barb doing t10 under 12 mins.
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Amazon Warrior
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I've heard that people can complete the whole mod with single try.
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Jampula wrote:I've heard that people can complete the whole mod with single try.

On their first attempt with MXL... In hardcore! :bounce: Complete content clear! :lol:
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why is there no MedianXL for Diablo 3?
the games needs you
Jungle Hunter
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diantonio wrote:why is there no MedianXL for Diablo 3?
the games needs you

This is what I am thinking sometimes. Everyone is talking about D2R possibly. But D3 actually has a decent engine that can handle shit tons of modding which is proven already with multiple private servers.
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Probably because the median xl team have their hands full working with this game. They're only so many people and are already working full time giving us this amazing mod for free

Be the change you wanna see, learn some programming/modding, get some friends together for graphic work, and starting modding D3