Σ 2.6.0 Announced

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Cow Ninja
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"Improved most sleep trophy bonuses". Excellent! So hyped for the new season! Thanks again to the devs!
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cnlnjzfjb wrote:
Azenoth wrote:Is there any update on fixing the bug for unlocking nithogur in single player? I tried at the begining in the season and just now after making sure my game is updated but still have no success. I right click on the activated tier 16 rifstone but nothing happens

It is intended, not a bug.

I know they said it would be multiplayer only for 2.4 but for the 2.5 notes they said it was opening for sp. Did they revert their stance on this? I've asked a couple of times in discord and also reported it as a bug but never heard anything from anyone. It would be nice know if they reverted their decision or if they just forgot to switch it on for sp.
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Horadric Mage
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Azenoth wrote:
cnlnjzfjb wrote:
Azenoth wrote:Is there any update on fixing the bug for unlocking nithogur in single player? I tried at the begining in the season and just now after making sure my game is updated but still have no success. I right click on the activated tier 16 rifstone but nothing happens

It is intended, not a bug.

I know they said it would be multiplayer only for 2.4 but for the 2.5 notes they said it was opening for sp. Did they revert their stance on this? I've asked a couple of times in discord and also reported it as a bug but never heard anything from anyone. It would be nice know if they reverted their decision or if they just forgot to switch it on for sp.

Yeah, they just did not open it for unknown reason.
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thanks for effort on the new patches.

but please work something for Paladin.
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Onyx Knight
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MedianXL wrote:Some of the quality-of-life improvements introduced in patch 2.6 include:
  • Bosses which teleport when struck now have a cooldown for doing so, allowing for a less interrupted and more enjoyable boss-killing experience. The cooldown is usually 3-5 seconds, depending on the boss

sounds cool overall, very happy about this one in particular
Edited by Frytas 11 months.
Thunder Beetle
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Thank you devs :D
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A dragon with boobs
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2.7 when?
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please work something for Paladin.
Stone Warrior
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woot woot!
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Jungle Hunter
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new update yayyyyyyy