Suggestions for upcoming patch

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Well, since Rishab gave the go-ahead to "let the rambling continue," and all...

Psychic Scream:
I can see how it could be useful for some builds and/or in certain situations, but the amount of Skill Points needed turns me off to it, as I'd rather spend points elsewhere. Besides, there's Blade Barrier for keeping the hordes at bay when necessary, and it only needs 1 point to be effective. Void made a good point about old Premeditation skill being nothing but a point sink, but Psychic Scream is sorta the same in that it needs so many points to be useful. Of course, that will change when cross-skill timers are no longer a thing. *heavy breathing*

Yeah, it's a PITA to use, but I've seen it used successfully and to great effect. I don't think many people use it though b/c other sin builds are just easier to handle.

Charmed monsters:
I agree with the people saying D2 Charm mechanic is stupid since Charmed monsters can't be attacked/killed. It makes Charm virtually useless and a PITA b/c of having to wait for the effect to wear off before killing the monster. I'm sure it can be used effectively, but for general play, as it is, it's more annoying than anything.

To be fair, I don't have tons of experience playing Assassins, so take my comments for what they're worth.
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Late for conversation, no doubt all of those sin skill are useful.

My question is, how useful are those in ultra-game games where your job is to kill tons of enemy as fast as possible without needing to crowd control.
It it worth "to wasted frames" to cast it rather than spamming attack skill / move around?

Should all skill designed to be useful late game or at least usable by some of the build?
I really hope removal ND will solved all problem skill that was limited by old d2 ND mechanic.
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Charmed monsters lose hp from poison, so batstrike's charm is meant to be used against mobs that have already been hit by the nova. When the charm wears off they'll be at ~1hp and die instantly to a random QoB, if not, you turned some enemies into meatshields while weakening them in the process. And obviously wots duration has to be >= charm duration.
Monkey King
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Last night, I had a dream I was playing a different version of mxl. In my dream, I was playing this assassin that had the trap tree replaced by necro's totem tree, so I was playing this weird totemsin... Anyways, stats were completely replaced by this "upgrade list". From what I could recall from my dream, you can put points into the upgrades of skills. One example is putting upgrade points into "concussive bomb" ( a skill my dream made up ) increases the skill's stun duration. Another example is putting upgrade points into thunder hammer which increases it's wdm ratio, lightning damage, range, and more I can't remember. From what I saw, it appeared that I could've put upgrade points into every skill in the game and not just class skills. It did seem a bit one-dimensional though, since +skills basically does the same thing. Another thing was that I was playing in what seemed to be an uberlevel early on. My light radius was reduced, and when I entered a certain area I was swarmed my a huge mob ( maximum unit capacity huge ). They strangely resembled neon fiends. There was also a mini boss in the room that had the model of Lucion from ioss. It's name was Spooner ( IDK, it felt like a pun for something ).
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I hope that one major thing doesn't get changed - no more far oasis worm hole staff grabbing or getting Kahlim's Will in A3.
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I heard from a reliable source that all these suggestions will be included in MXL 2017.
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I was thinking, can you create an api in sigma (dll inject or something) that can open a website link in after being clicked from in game? It will open the link on user's default web browser. Example:

1. Open documentation by a button
2. Read bestiary
3. Read a character guide for specific class
4. Reading cube recipe

Of course, if we can open browser (like steam overlay) is even better but I know it probably much harder.
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Actually, the objective for MXLS and where we're slowly headed, starting with MXL2017, is to make the game much more intuitive and natural. Median in it's current state has reached the point where it's all about "reading the manual". While this may be fine for us old players, it's extremely overwhelming for new players, and may even be one thing that repels some potential new players. It's a fast-paced gameplay, but the first step is to spend 3 hours reading the documentation? This is being addressed progressively.

That being said, the docs are also going through a rework, they will be trimmed of all the superfluous details, going for the really important & base information, and will be targeted toward more experienced players that just really want to know all there is to know about the game, but linking them in-game would go against the approach we are targeting.

As a matter of fact, most games, including D2 itself never came with a documentation listing every single bits of it's content. Games are usually designed to be intuitive and to be "just played as is right away", and median may have gone too far from this path. We're trying to bring it back into this design path, and so far Marco & Suchbalance are doing a nice job at it from what I've seen & discussed with them.
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Ok, cool. I was kinda suggesting easy way out.

Overhaul of all information that newbie needed to start would be neat (like challenge scroll) although I hope with inject, we can play more with adding more information in-game item description (imagine table of string + convert to other language).

I dunno about if too much knowledge at start would be bad (at least I love to read documentation when I started m2008) but I firmly believe that we need to tone down difficulty on hatred to a point they wouldnt stuck much (currently people kinda stuck at act 2 unless they have dedicated resist gear, with ice clan and daystar etc). Hopefully with damage overhaul, it will be much easier (for experience player with knowledge, now you can go through hatred blazingly fast).

Colour-coding damage is another I wished it can be implement, but that gonna need to overhaul on sprites / colouring side. Like couple of days ago, someone asked what differentiate between physical WDM attack from elemental based spell? Maybe we could tweak on sound effect or hit effect, but this one definitely need further testing.

Lastly, I hope for more implementation of telegraph attack (but deadly). But again, it might required a lot of skill / missiles chaining probably. I still love meteor showers effect from Andariel for first time (OMGOMGOMG boom dead).

Oh, I almost forgot, someone mention that Median is way too flashy. I wonder what other people think about it?
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iwansquall wrote:someone mention that Median is way too flashy. I wonder what other people think about it?

IMO, flashy is okay as long as it's not gratuitous and doesn't affect performance. But there are times when there's so much happening on-screen that it's hard to even find your cursor, let alone keep track of what's going on.

Sort of off-topic, but I love how some of the sound effects are used in Median. Stormblast and Glacial Nova's explosion are supremely satisfying to hear. Another effect I always loved was that low undertone in cLoD Sorc's Nova. I used the shit out of that skill just because it sounded so cool. Is there any skill in Median that uses that sound effect? Also, why does Ice Whirl use that goofy Miasma sound effect? And why do apples sound so squishy and disgusting?

I miss Shoutbox... :cry: