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Will characters created in patch 001/002 work if I update to patch 003? SP.
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Aciros wrote:Will characters created in patch 001/002 work if I update to patch 003? SP.

3 | 1

I just bought Diablo II + LoD on battle.net to be able to play this mod (it looks awesome!).

I've downloaded the version in this thread, but whenever I create a new character and start the game, I'm greeted by this :


Which stops the game and closes it whenever I close the dialog window.

My executables (Diablo II.exe, Game.exe) are both in XP2 Compatibility Mode, and in Administrator Startup Mode. I do not have any mod manager or anything else funky installed.

Some help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
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You need to use our launcher to install the game if you are using D2 from battlenet: http://get.median-xl.com/launcher

The installation is even simpler that way - you install a fresh copy of D2, then install the launcher, then run it and it does everything for you.
3 | 1
suchbalance wrote:You need to use our launcher to install the game if you are using D2 from battlenet: http://get.median-xl.com/launcher

The installation is even simpler that way - you install a fresh copy of D2, then install the launcher, then run it and it does everything for you.

Hey, thanks for the super fast reply! Cool. I didn't back up my original patch_d2.mpq file, do I have to do a clean install? Thanks in advance.
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Should be fine either way, just install the launcher.
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suchbalance wrote:Should be fine either way, just install the launcher.

Indeed, worked like a charm. Thanks a lot :D
Thunder Beetle
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Dunno if it's the best place to write this but...

I just found my first trophy boss (Tran Athulua): i wanted to know what bonus it gives to the Sunstone or to the Sleep, but i can't find a trophy list with their effects at all in the documentation. I remember that there was a list with the old documentation...
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I believe the TA trophy cubed with the sunstone charm from TA gives 5% DR I do not know what The Sleep does though.
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Serge91 wrote:Dunno if it's the best place to write this but...

I just found my first trophy boss (Tran Athulua): i wanted to know what bonus it gives to the Sunstone or to the Sleep, but i can't find a trophy list with their effects at all in the documentation. I remember that there was a list with the old documentation...

Yeah for some weird reason they removed all the Trophy info from the new docs -.-

Have a look here: https://docs.median-xl.com/index_old.html

It's all still in the old docs. Be aware that they may have changed some of them.