Other Diablo II mods

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It seems there is also another new mod in development, called Minmax mod.

Onyx Knight
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Cube recipes in comments section in link below or under spoiler. If you need to translate Quest Hero guide or site, its thai language.


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If you believe a "win button = awesome" then indeed it is awesome. Otherwise it needs like 10x all enemy stats. Right now it is but a slaughter of defenseless enemies with wide AoE 1 shot skills.
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Onyx Knight
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dreameaterx wrote:If you believe a "win button = awesome" then indeed it is awesome. Otherwise it needs like 10x all enemy stats. Right now it is but a slaughter of defenseless enemies with wide AoE 1 shot skills.

So far there was no opinions or ratings awesome on this forum about that mod, person who posted clip on YT called it amazing in title thats all.

That thread is more like preserving some informations about mods so you could play some of them when you get bored or if you just want to look how other mod makers swinging between what they want and are able to add to D2 and in most cases learn during process.

With that in mind cant really criticise what he made so far or that some skills arent balanced, more interesting is aesthetic side and ideas, thats why I posted links to cube so if someone give it a try then he can taste some changes from beginning.
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Unda and dreameaterx - both chill :) you both kinda right. Yes most of these mods in this topic are either old, forgotten, too imbalanced to even play, in beta state or all above. In that regard try to twist your mind in the way that you try to find positive things in given mod and/or give suggestions how to fix the bad things. Less drama = better.

On topic - this minmax mod. No idea about whole feedback yet, just started playing it. Overall it looks like a big mess of everything from everywhere with very little structure or one unite idea what this mod is like. Most descriptions and text are butchered, grammar mistakes and so on - annoying and misleading.
Gameplay weird too. Game gives nice starter set, p8 in first area and you will be lvl 12 before first wp. No stat points on level up, skill points on lvl though. No idea about restating, no skill restat via pluggy so far. New items like "book" which you equip like talisman in TQ. You sell everything for 1 gold, ID scroll is 10k in shop ....
Onyx Knight
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There is no drama, I just answered to his post cuz didnt know if he meant Talic, me or just video or mod in general.

Agree that mod seems messy in few aspects but it shouldnt take fun of discovering what author prepared. I cant invest more time in that mod atm cuz Im currently testing other mods (non D2) and touching literally everything to give new engine feedback plus text and bugs corrections which suck af free time you got.

Looking forward for your screenshots from that mod and areas/items which surprise you, if you keep playing it.
35 | 1
I apologise for the first-sight aggression of the previous post.

Though as Anonymous said, the mod is very half-baked as can clearly be seen on that video you put up there, what I massively dislike. For god´s sake try out the stuff and balance it before posting or sharing it. Grammar mistakes ? Are you serious ? Putting a bunch of random skills together ? Any modder can do that, that is not what being a modder is about. People don´t say quality above quantity for fun these days... Rather put 5 good, well-balanced skills on each skill page than 30 with just random guessed stats numbers. Look at the skill Anon posted on the picture. The description is out of place, the max resist numbers look like he sucked them out of his finger. The items price is another critical detail...

Is it much to ask from someone who is making a mod to play it himself before posting it ? Details matter ! This mod could be good, but the modder just chose to spare time and release without giving it some second thought. I do not mean this offensively again. It´s more like despair. I just hate so much when you see someone has potential, but is lazy and just does not take it as far as they can. It´s just sad. :(
Onyx Knight
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Sigma and MedianXL in general have set standards very high so its hard to look back, but Im still support projects like that one where probably single person who is learning from scratch managed to actually make it to something playable and had courage to release it. You can post in comments section there and ask him whats his plans or to-do list, even there is somewhere link to group on pejsbook (cant say if its active cuz I dont use that service). I will definitely play it more sometime and drop him feedback regardless of whats the future or his plans. I saw even more broken skills in D2 mods than whats on the Metalistas screenshot, but my solution was to not use those and focus on whats enough balanced and playable.
35 | 1
Oh ? Is that so ? But in that case... 2018 was a pretty productive year regarding D2 modding. Several new mods came out, several were updated... Many of them are from a solo modder, some from such whom about nobody ever heard of. Yet this one is the first you mentioned... Smells fishy to me :?: :?: :?: