Overkill Throw Barb

Bone Archer
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Lai or Ko/Io for runes is best I think. Maybe Lai.
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Hey I found: Ethereal
Throwing Axe (Sacred)

(Barbarian Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 402
Item Level: 105
Innate Lightning Damage:
(45.0% of Strength)
Adds 160-(950 to 1150) Lightning Damage
-(15 to 30)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
20% Chance of Crushing Blow
Slow Target 10%
+100 Life after each Kill
Socketed (2)
and was wondering what exactly I need to do with this Ethereal weapon?
I am new to MXL and any help would be appreciated :)

Loving my throw barb so far great guide :)
Azure Drake
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Hi, I fell in love with this build and I would like to take it forward, I don't have a lot of experience in median and I need a helping hand. I have problems with the ar and with the maximum resistances: we have no objects that make them go up and the use of runemaster limits to the runes only the management of the resistances. I would also like to know that I use both in the weapon and in the armor; I'm undecided whether to put hit recovery everywhere
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Hey, I'm a bit new to Median xl and have tried 4 builds so far, but this is absolutely my favorite!!! I had a quick question though, my last build was a hammerzon and it was extremely tanky, but damage was slow and clunky. Will this build be a bit tankier towards late game or will this be a glass cannon type build?
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Nice guide helped me understand throw barb better, im 124 now using Wolf Stance over lion also gladiators dominance over runemaster, 2k dex and i have 65%block and a shit ton of deadly strike, walking through dunc with my eyes closed now, I think fauz will be fine also with my high block and 25 physical resist. Cool guide Runemaster and lion is the way to go before you get really nice sacreds. Gladiators dominance seems badass tho, runemaster better with crap gear though. Good guide.
Pit Knight
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Yazzy9 wrote:Nice guide helped me understand throw barb better, im 124 now using Wolf Stance over lion also gladiators dominance over runemaster, 2k dex and i have 65%block and a shit ton of deadly strike, walking through dunc with my eyes closed now, I think fauz will be fine also with my high block and 25 physical resist. Cool guide Runemaster and lion is the way to go before you get really nice sacreds. Gladiators dominance seems badass tho, runemaster better with crap gear though. Good guide.

Nice. Havent play this one yet... might give it a go and see how it flow.
6 | 0
Just started a throwbarb build. Currently sitting at 73 and having fun with it. I've got most of the T4 items and some decent rare rings atm. There's still some questions I have as far as socketing mid-level. What's the verdict here? Enough pgems to max resist then Ko in armors? Jahs in axe? Also, I looked thru a hell of a lot of barbs on the ladder last night and didn't see one throw build. If any of you are in end game on this build, could you link your spell tree, or better yet.... Not armory link? Thanks!
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Thunder Beetle
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Im currently lvl 119, in single player. I dont have Bear Grin, but im sure its nice.

In my experience, this build is not for new players. Its actually quite difficult to build into a viable character.

(yes of course if you have all the GG OP top items im sure its different, but every build is strong with those)

So a couple things you need to keep in mind:

1, mana problem. Your overkill costs ~200 mana / throw. Thats really high. I needed perf. sapphires AND mana regen MO AND mana steal to actually make is work. you need to invest heavy into all kinds of manaregen

2, you need tanks. i manage to farm tran athulua without dying and clearing quite fast, because i crafted a throwing axe, gloves ( both with reanimates), and if i find the right boots im gona craft that too. For armor i use Screen of Viz-Jaq'Taar. I know it doesnt seems like a good armor, but it has high defense and have sh*ttons of reanimates which i need for tanks.
Defense alone is nothing. I have 250k and i die like a fly without reanimates.

3, dmg against bosses is terrible. i cant even kill Akarat with this build. Legacy of blood is impossible. But farming is quite nice. Maybe if i find a few more sacred uniqs im gona be able to kill bosses more easily...

So thats just my two cents.
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Jakob wrote:Im currently lvl 119, in single player. I dont have Bear Grin, but im sure its nice.

In my experience, this build is not for new players. Its actually quite difficult to build into a viable character.

(yes of course if you have all the GG OP top items im sure its different, but every build is strong with those)

So a couple things you need to keep in mind:

1, mana problem. Your overkill costs ~200 mana / throw. Thats really high. I needed perf. sapphires AND mana regen MO AND mana steal to actually make is work. you need to invest heavy into all kinds of manaregen

2, you need tanks. i manage to farm tran athulua without dying and clearing quite fast, because i crafted a throwing axe, gloves ( both with reanimates), and if i find the right boots im gona craft that too. For armor i use Screen of Viz-Jaq'Taar. I know it doesnt seems like a good armor, but it has high defense and have sh*ttons of reanimates which i need for tanks.
Defense alone is nothing. I have 250k and i die like a fly without reanimates.

3, dmg against bosses is terrible. i cant even kill Akarat with this build. Legacy of blood is impossible. But farming is quite nice. Maybe if i find a few more sacred uniqs im gona be able to kill bosses more easily...

So thats just my two cents.

Of course your dmg is gonna be terrible if you use items that give you no dmg.
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Thunder Beetle
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Istaryu wrote:

Of course your dmg is gonna be terrible if you use items that give you no dmg.

My weapon's max dmg is 430 and have very fast attack speed so, i wouldnt say it has low dmg. It has higher dmg than non eth Griefbringer. (i dont have the eth version)