Multilog question

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Dark Huntress
12 | 0
My son and I both play the game together from the same house. While playing, I saw a warning about multilogging. Are we going to end up banned if we keep playing together? If so, is there anyway to avoid this fate?

Dark Huntress
12 | 2
As long as you always are in town together, not splitting up, the problem should solve itself.
Dark Huntress
12 | 0
Ok, thanks.
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Multilogging rule and how not to get banned for it:
Muling: Stay in town while you are muling. Do not leave your mule in town while you kill monsters with your character.
Two or more people on the same IP: Make sure that either both of you are playing (killing monsters) or both are AFK. If only 1 of you needs to be AFK, then he should quit the game and rejoin later. You may still get the warning, but you won't get banned if you follow this.

Also, do not eat any Signet when multilogging since bot will consider that as leveling a char. Additionally, do not self-rush and do not attempt to multiwindow with more than 2 characters at once. Any offenses here can lead to a temporary ban for first offense. First account ban is typically 8-24h, second 48-72h, third is permanent.
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CallMeCrazySam wrote:Also, do not eat any Signet when multilogging since bot will consider that as leveling a char.

Where did you dig up that ancient text Sam? :D That used to apply when there were still signets of experience...
also when bot warns, he sends link where it's written in multiple languages - TSW realm stats (& Quests, NotArmory, HC chars)
Dark Huntress
12 | 0
Thanks for additional info.

Typically we play characters that are questing together. We do split up sometimes. Example: I'll go after staff piece in maggot lair and he'll go after staff piece in viper temple.

It's good to know we'll get 2 warnings before we are banned. That way we'll know if we are messing up before we are perm banned.