Early-mid game barb

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Hey everyone im wonder whats a good skill setup for early to mid game / end of terror barb build and tu setup so gear and everything
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Jungle Hunter
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Here is a guide to an easy to play Tantrum barb. Pretty darn cheap to make too.

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Was sorta hopeing for a melee type build early game because ive heard tant early game sucks
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Jungle Hunter
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You can look through the melee guides by chuck in this thread for barbs. I wouldn't hold a candle to how viable they are though. Most of them are to be considered non-viable for ubers though because of a lack of extended testing done.

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tantrum early game is pretty good just use an amok rw bow and wolf stance your way to victory. gg damage
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Son of Lucion
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smax wolves, spirit guide, snake stance, bear stance, eagle stance, rest in iceburst, 1p tslam and wolf stance

str - enough for gear, dex - 100, vit - rest

T6 ono (mo LAEK, pAmes and pRainbows)
T6 splint mail (ED, jah runes, pTurqs and pBloodstones before that)
fal in highest tier barb helm you can find (ED)
T1 honorific gloves (res, -cold/poison res)
deadfall (res)
T1 honorific boots (-poison res, frw)
rlvl 0 blue jewelry (-cold/poison res)
Void T1 flamberge on switch

tslam from switch to spread slow and poison (can also cast fortress from here)

swap to bear stance/ono and iceburst

You really don't need to go overkill on damage using iceburst/stormblast while leveling. Your defensive stats are more important. Another option could be something like T6 labrys/T6 gothic plate for high cb and damage using a different setup, but then you lose coolio glacial nova proc.
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Shadowgate Totem
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why would you use iceburst over stormblast?

also tu valaska is way better than tu ono
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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i recommend playing the builds first before making any assumptions on how they "might work " .

barbarians can pwn 90% of ubers with crapy mid gear due to the fact that they can reach tons of HP + defence and decent damage with not much trouble .

just pick any build and play it . i guarantee none will fail

you don't even need a guide to do it , just equip anything you think it will suit your build . aim for lots of defence , damage reduction + decent regeneration (be it inner fire or eagle stance or leech/losim/lak ) .

i have played at least 100 barbarians untill now from zero to end game and none failed . ever .
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Johnny Impak
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Personnal favorite.

Early-mid game.


str: enough for gear. ( huge bonus from tu gothic plate and heavy belt).

Dex: early game, 0 mid game around 150 so AR bonuses get something to work with.

Vit: Everything else.

Energy: Big fat zero

Smax wolves, 4 points ancient blood, 1 point all melee skills. Smax daedalus, enough in bear stance to reach 50% dr. 1 point runemaster, 1 point thundergod. Rest in mountain king.

Gear: Tu great sword/tu kriegsmesser. Your call. Mo with Life leech, max damage . Crushing blow is useful on certain bosses, not mandatory tho early.

Tu Gothic plate. Max def then Fhr. No need for breakpoints early tho
Tu heavy belt. Max def, resistances with mo
Tu gilded shield. Max that def !
Tu chain gloves ( AR)/ Tu heavy gloves Cold dmg and proc. Resistances, - light res
Tu light plated boots/ tu chain boots. Frw, res if still need, rest flat dr.
Hono helm until fal RW. Mo with resistances and - light res
Switch: Hono labrys with 350% dmg and light res.

Rings: 2x emp band. -15% light res, psn duration reduction and flat DR.

Ammy: +3 skills, - light res with Hp. MO with more - light res and flat dr.

Socket fillers: Ohm runes. (5% vit)

Main attack is SoR. Crowd control with thunderslam. Switch wpn and kill bosses with labrys.
This setup can net you over 12 charms just by itself. You become extremely powerful after you make 6x light in a 2x mo sacred labrys. Over 750k def, high hp, good boss killing on switch and a tank build for mobs.

I should take the time to wrige a real guide about this guy. Other than needing many Tu' early, he's newbie and untwinked friendly
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mountain king is 1pter, you should put leftovers in spirit guide instead since it has great synergy with runemaster
