Σ 2.1 Bugs&Feedback

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I’ll bet this is a known bug…

If I cast my barb stance and then recast it later on, it doesn’t reset the duration… it will still expire after the duration of the first cast, leaving me effectively pantsless when it does
Void Archon
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The Single Player crashes seem to happen a lot more frequently when playing summoners. It happens so often that it is borderline impossible to play a summoner
Rust Claw
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altoiddealer wrote:I’ll bet this is a known bug…

If I cast my barb stance and then recast it later on, it doesn’t reset the duration… it will still expire after the duration of the first cast, leaving me effectively pantsless when it does

The same with some unholy melee pala spells. For example sanguine covenant - does not matter that you recast it, it will expire anyway after initial cast.
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Blood Golem
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shotxman wrote:Image

Nice one... rune order is from top to bottom
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OH....thank you.
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Hounfor can't be used with melee devotion. Ben- on discord told its like firedance and firedance can be used with it. So probably small bug.
Void Archon
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I think some sets need to be reworked, as many of them give completely useless stats. For example,
Last King of Scosglen
Last King of Scosglen
(Druid Werebear Set)

Scosglen's History
Scosglen's Legends
Scosglen's Myths
Scosglen's Tales

Set Bonus with 2 or more set items:
Weapon Physical Damage +45%
+75 to Strength

Set Bonus with 3 or more set items:
50% Attack Speed
Weapon Physical Damage +90%

Set Bonus with complete set:
10% Chance to cast level 12 Fortress on Melee Attack
Adds 100-150 Damage
+40% to Fire Spell Damage
-20% to Enemy Fire Resistance
30% Chance of Crushing Blow
+5000 Defense
Elemental Resists +50%

provides attack speed, which is useless regardless of whether you are using Rend or Wildifire as only WIAS counts for werebear fpas. It gives Fortress on Melee attack, which won't proc with Rend but will proc with Wildfire, but you won't have any weapon damage with wildfire build. It gives +1 to curare, which I don't see any point to since poison would only be applied with Rend or the idol of scosglen novas and both have terrible WDM. On the other hand, the set bonuses give absolutely no fire spell damage so it's useless for Wildfire, but the set pieces themselves give a marginal amount which in the end serves no purpose because all the rest of the set bonuses are oriented to the Rend build.

And also since I'm talking about werebear build, all the items that provide reduced/no cooldown for idol of scosglen should in my opinion receive a different bonus. Back when the skill had a few seconds of duration it was a great buff, since it allowed for 100% uptime without having to worry about timing the cast with the cooldown, but now with it lasting for 40 seconds, it doesn't make much sense to be honest. Also the last skill that reduces duration by 90% just for the novas is honestly quite bad, trading that 40 second duration just for a 60% WDM nova that triggers once per second seems like a VERY unfair trade, since its only use in the end is just to spread the slow effect.
Dark Huntress
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Please fix the problem that items disappear when using Stash in tcp/ip
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1370xg01 wrote:Please fix the problem that items disappear when using Stash in tcp/ip

I am sure they are working on it, and its not an easy fix, or they would have fixed it already.