Does Anyone Else Want Another Goblin Season??

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Would you be excited for another Goblin Season?

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I want season where all start with 0 tg
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While I would enjoy a few more goblins (and slightly more frequent rare goblins), I think the two main issues hurting a season are:

1. Not enough viable builds. I've covered this extensively in this thread and how MASSIVE the impact of more builds is on an economy based game: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=72249

2. End-game areas being inaccessible to too many builds (this ties in to point #1). It's very difficult to find the careful balance between where player agency is irrelevant because everything is too strong vs player agency is irrelevant because nothing is strong enough. In a perfect vacuum, most builds would have a good progression curve with the potential for late game upgrades that allows them to at least tackle end game content.

Basically if you choose to develop a mod that has running seasons (I'm not accounting for single players people here), then the main appeal becomes the strength of the economy. It's what drives you to farm. Doing a fauzt run on the last day of the season vs the first of the season is a night & day difference. The excitement you get from finding something you can sell, generate revenue with and buy something your build needs knowing that there is DEMAND. Knowing that someone out there has what you want. That's motivation. That's why PoE works, that's why even PD2 works (and that mod is just D2+).

The more builds can be taken to end game (without being ridiculously overpowered) and the more options available for small upgrades over time, the more chances you have of people trying things, keeping the economy alive and people involved. Think of the goblin scrolls for example. Those were a good, deterministic and meaningful upgrade to any build. Compare that to the 33% chance to fuck your item up with corruption and it's no surprise this didn't have the biggest impact. I think more outcome options for corruptions to dilute the high chance of bricking would do corruptions some good and make it easier to "take a chance".

Finally, PoE's retention over a 3 month period at least allows people to make more than 1 build in a season. With MXL, by the time my friends or I want to do a second build, it's already difficult to get sales and it's depressing. I actively want to play MXL and even right now I'm craving it. But it's not a justifiable use of my time if I'm just replaying the same ol' class builds, getting the same cookie cutter items and farming without meaningfully profiting.
Edited by CMBurns 2 years.
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CMBurns wrote:While I would enjoy a few more goblins (and slightly more frequent rare goblins), I think the two main issues hurting a season are:

1. Not enough viable builds. I've covered this extensively in this thread and how MASSIVE the impact of more builds is on an economy based game: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=72249

2. End-game areas being inaccessible to too many builds (this ties in to point #1). It's very difficult to find the careful balance between where player agency is irrelevant because everything is too strong vs player agency is irrelevant because nothing is strong enough. In a perfect vacuum, most builds would have a good progression curve with the potential for late game upgrades that allows them to at least tackle end game content.

Basically if you choose to develop a mod that has running seasons (I'm not accounting for single players people here), then the main appeal becomes the strength of the economy. It's what drives you to farm. Doing a fauzt run on the last day of the season vs the the first of the season is a night & day difference. The excitement you get from finding something you can sell, generate revenue with and buy something your build needs knowing that there is DEMAND. Knowing that someone out there has what you want. That's motivation. That's why PoE works, that's why even PD2 works (and that mod is just D2+).

The more builds can be taken to end game (without being ridiculously overpowered) and the more options available for small upgrades over time, the more chances you have of people trying things, keeping the economy alive and people involved. Think of the goblin scrolls for example. Those were a good, deterministic and meaningful upgrade to any build. Compare that to the 33% chance to fuck your item up with corruption and it's no surprise this didn't have the biggest impact. I think more outcome options for corruptions to dilute the high chance of bricking would do corruptions some good and make it easier to "take a chance".

Finally, PoE's retention over a 3 month period at least allows people to make more than 1 build in a season. With MXL, by the time my friends or I want to do a second build, it's already difficult to get sales and it's depressing. I actively want to play MXL and even right now I'm craving it. But it's not a justifiable use of my time if I'm just replaying the same ol' class builds, getting the same cookie cutter items and farming without meaningfully profiting.

totally agree
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CMBurns wrote:While I would enjoy a few more goblins (and slightly more frequent rare goblins), I think the two main issues hurting a season are:

1. Not enough viable builds. I've covered this extensively in this thread and how MASSIVE the impact of more builds is on an economy based game: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=72249

2. End-game areas being inaccessible to too many builds (this ties in to point #1). It's very difficult to find the careful balance between where player agency is irrelevant because everything is too strong vs player agency is irrelevant because nothing is strong enough. In a perfect vacuum, most builds would have a good progression curve with the potential for late game upgrades that allows them to at least tackle end game content.

Basically if you choose to develop a mod that has running seasons (I'm not accounting for single players people here), then the main appeal becomes the strength of the economy. It's what drives you to farm. Doing a fauzt run on the last day of the season vs the the first of the season is a night & day difference. The excitement you get from finding something you can sell, generate revenue with and buy something your build needs knowing that there is DEMAND. Knowing that someone out there has what you want. That's motivation. That's why PoE works, that's why even PD2 works (and that mod is just D2+).

The more builds can be taken to end game (without being ridiculously overpowered) and the more options available for small upgrades over time, the more chances you have of people trying things, keeping the economy alive and people involved. Think of the goblin scrolls for example. Those were a good, deterministic and meaningful upgrade to any build. Compare that to the 33% chance to fuck your item up with corruption and it's no surprise this didn't have the biggest impact. I think more outcome options for corruptions to dilute the high chance of bricking would do corruptions some good and make it easier to "take a chance".

Finally, PoE's retention over a 3 month period at least allows people to make more than 1 build in a season. With MXL, by the time my friends or I want to do a second build, it's already difficult to get sales and it's depressing. I actively want to play MXL and even right now I'm craving it. But it's not a justifiable use of my time if I'm just replaying the same ol' class builds, getting the same cookie cutter items and farming without meaningfully profiting.

Damn CM, as usual, you are spot on with your observations! Take a cookie
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Taem wrote:
CMBurns wrote:While I would enjoy a few more goblins (and slightly more frequent rare goblins), I think the two main issues hurting a season are:

1. Not enough viable builds. I've covered this extensively in this thread and how MASSIVE the impact of more builds is on an economy based game: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=72249

2. End-game areas being inaccessible to too many builds (this ties in to point #1). It's very difficult to find the careful balance between where player agency is irrelevant because everything is too strong vs player agency is irrelevant because nothing is strong enough. In a perfect vacuum, most builds would have a good progression curve with the potential for late game upgrades that allows them to at least tackle end game content.

Basically if you choose to develop a mod that has running seasons (I'm not accounting for single players people here), then the main appeal becomes the strength of the economy. It's what drives you to farm. Doing a fauzt run on the last day of the season vs the the first of the season is a night & day difference. The excitement you get from finding something you can sell, generate revenue with and buy something your build needs knowing that there is DEMAND. Knowing that someone out there has what you want. That's motivation. That's why PoE works, that's why even PD2 works (and that mod is just D2+).

The more builds can be taken to end game (without being ridiculously overpowered) and the more options available for small upgrades over time, the more chances you have of people trying things, keeping the economy alive and people involved. Think of the goblin scrolls for example. Those were a good, deterministic and meaningful upgrade to any build. Compare that to the 33% chance to fuck your item up with corruption and it's no surprise this didn't have the biggest impact. I think more outcome options for corruptions to dilute the high chance of bricking would do corruptions some good and make it easier to "take a chance".

Finally, PoE's retention over a 3 month period at least allows people to make more than 1 build in a season. With MXL, by the time my friends or I want to do a second build, it's already difficult to get sales and it's depressing. I actively want to play MXL and even right now I'm craving it. But it's not a justifiable use of my time if I'm just replaying the same ol' class builds, getting the same cookie cutter items and farming without meaningfully profiting.

Damn CM, as usual, you are spot on with your observations! Take a cookie

Thank you! Industry experience really helps me learn about gaming every day.
Lava Lord
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CMBurns wrote:While I would enjoy a few more goblins (and slightly more frequent rare goblins), I think the two main issues hurting a season are:

1. Not enough viable builds. I've covered this extensively in this thread and how MASSIVE the impact of more builds is on an economy based game: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=72249

2. End-game areas being inaccessible to too many builds (this ties in to point #1). It's very difficult to find the careful balance between where player agency is irrelevant because everything is too strong vs player agency is irrelevant because nothing is strong enough. In a perfect vacuum, most builds would have a good progression curve with the potential for late game upgrades that allows them to at least tackle end game content.

Basically if you choose to develop a mod that has running seasons (I'm not accounting for single players people here), then the main appeal becomes the strength of the economy. It's what drives you to farm. Doing a fauzt run on the last day of the season vs the the first of the season is a night & day difference. The excitement you get from finding something you can sell, generate revenue with and buy something your build needs knowing that there is DEMAND. Knowing that someone out there has what you want. That's motivation. That's why PoE works, that's why even PD2 works (and that mod is just D2+).

The more builds can be taken to end game (without being ridiculously overpowered) and the more options available for small upgrades over time, the more chances you have of people trying things, keeping the economy alive and people involved. Think of the goblin scrolls for example. Those were a good, deterministic and meaningful upgrade to any build. Compare that to the 33% chance to fuck your item up with corruption and it's no surprise this didn't have the biggest impact. I think more outcome options for corruptions to dilute the high chance of bricking would do corruptions some good and make it easier to "take a chance".

Finally, PoE's retention over a 3 month period at least allows people to make more than 1 build in a season. With MXL, by the time my friends or I want to do a second build, it's already difficult to get sales and it's depressing. I actively want to play MXL and even right now I'm craving it. But it's not a justifiable use of my time if I'm just replaying the same ol' class builds, getting the same cookie cutter items and farming without meaningfully profiting.

yup, they are buffing corruptions next patch or so they say. would like to see some creativity there though. instead of 10% dmg/10% stats ectect. There is alot of rooms for procs/oskills/morphs???/somethingsomething OP . just make me slamming my item worth it. Also they need to make corruption shards/Full crystals drop anywhere in the game. Gating corruptions to the boxes was a mistake since most builds cant even farm in scosglen lol.
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datdudejay wrote:yup, they are buffing corruptions next patch or so they say. would like to see some creativity there though. instead of 10% dmg/10% stats ectect. There is alot of rooms for procs/oskills/morphs???/somethingsomething OP . just make me slamming my item worth it. Also they need to make corruption shards/Full crystals drop anywhere in the game. Gating corruptions to the boxes was a mistake since most builds cant even farm in scosglen lol.

More cool corrupting options would be really nice yea and I agree that corruption shards being a world drop would be fun.
Stygian Watcher
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CMBurns wrote:While I would enjoy a few more goblins (and slightly more frequent rare goblins), I think the two main issues hurting a season are:

1. Not enough viable builds. I've covered this extensively in this thread and how MASSIVE the impact of more builds is on an economy based game: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=72249

2. End-game areas being inaccessible to too many builds (this ties in to point #1). It's very difficult to find the careful balance between where player agency is irrelevant because everything is too strong vs player agency is irrelevant because nothing is strong enough. In a perfect vacuum, most builds would have a good progression curve with the potential for late game upgrades that allows them to at least tackle end game content.

Basically if you choose to develop a mod that has running seasons (I'm not accounting for single players people here), then the main appeal becomes the strength of the economy. It's what drives you to farm. Doing a fauzt run on the last day of the season vs the first of the season is a night & day difference. The excitement you get from finding something you can sell, generate revenue with and buy something your build needs knowing that there is DEMAND. Knowing that someone out there has what you want. That's motivation. That's why PoE works, that's why even PD2 works (and that mod is just D2+).

The more builds can be taken to end game (without being ridiculously overpowered) and the more options available for small upgrades over time, the more chances you have of people trying things, keeping the economy alive and people involved. Think of the goblin scrolls for example. Those were a good, deterministic and meaningful upgrade to any build. Compare that to the 33% chance to fuck your item up with corruption and it's no surprise this didn't have the biggest impact. I think more outcome options for corruptions to dilute the high chance of bricking would do corruptions some good and make it easier to "take a chance".

Finally, PoE's retention over a 3 month period at least allows people to make more than 1 build in a season. With MXL, by the time my friends or I want to do a second build, it's already difficult to get sales and it's depressing. I actively want to play MXL and even right now I'm craving it. But it's not a justifiable use of my time if I'm just replaying the same ol' class builds, getting the same cookie cutter items and farming without meaningfully profiting.

Really good post man, I totally agree