Σ 2.2 Bugs&Feedback

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Hi Fellas,

First, thank you for making this mod. I started playing it a week ago and so far its been enjoyable. I have completed act 2 with 5 different classes and messed around with a bunch of skill trees. That in itself was fun.


Though I am enjoying the mod, I find the itemization extremely disappointing in the early game. I mean... I get that early game is supposed to go by quick and all but I actually want to enjoy the journey. Not just rush through it. And what I noticed is that items in the game are just useless in light of early runewords. I mean, its pretty depressing because when I finally saw some uniques drop, I got excited and all just to find out that they were terrible compared an eld weapon that is trivial to make. I recall in D2 there were always useless uniques but figured I would bring it up here as something to improve on at some point.

Im not saying to nerf anything, to the contrary, can we make uniques less crap? I mean, i got a Hellreaper and I said wow, Im going to make a earthquake Barb right away to try this puppy out. Just to find that it was actually outclassed by a yellow sword in every way before I could even use it and then greatly outclassed by an shark weapon at level 8. And I can put shark on anything including 1h and it would still be better with nothing in the other hand...

Another thing I noticed is that there doesnt seem to be a dedicated 2h weapon skill tree. Not for swords at least. Im aware of the nercro scyth and some other class specific weapons that have synergies, but not much going on for someone who wants to swing around a big bad 2h sword early game. Not a big deal, and maybe I just didnt see it (highly likely).
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Shamanic Trance doesn't give any bonus to summon damage despite saying it should.


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CKnightHUE wrote:Shamanic Trance doesn't give any bonus to summon damage despite saying it should.



The bonuses listed in this sheet apply to all minions, however Shamanic Trance only affects barbarian spirits hence it's not listed there.
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Marco wrote:
CKnightHUE wrote:Shamanic Trance doesn't give any bonus to summon damage despite saying it should.



The bonuses listed in this sheet apply to all minions, however Shamanic Trance only affects barbarian spirits hence it's not listed there.

The spirits don't gain any buff to damage either, but the life bonus shows up on the sheet, why not the damage buff? clearly its not working right even if that was true.

Edit, for clarity the two screenshots are with and without trance active
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WTK the orange text of runeword Stonefist actually works?
My char at lvl 142 with Stonefist claw:
Same char at lvl 143 with Stonefist claw:
It seems no difference showed from panel/D2S in physical damage part from lvl 142 to 143.
Btw, dual-wielding a Dawn claw.
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cnlnjzfjb wrote:WTK the orange text of runeword Stonefist actually works?
My char at lvl 142 with Stonefist claw:
Same char at lvl 143 with Stonefist claw:
It seems no difference showed from panel/D2S in physical damage part from lvl 142 to 143.
Btw, dual-wielding a Dawn claw.

Dual wielding disables orange text on weapons.
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Istaryu wrote:Dual wielding disables orange text on weapons.

Stygian Watcher
42 | 5
Figure I'll put 2c in after significant time playing psi (vessel) sin on sc and hc.

150 cognition isn't rewarding until super gear levels, character lvl 142+ and after obtaining shuriken flurry relic.
On hc I pushed to 142 to hit 150 cog but ended up swapping skill points back down to 125 cog plus endurance and tenacity. 150 cog felt like an overall downgrade. Very minor damage boost to shuriken flurry at the cost of a lot of toughness.

That being said skill points at charlvl 120+ don't feel like they add anything to the build.

Midgame (up to fauzt) is a bit of a struggle.
Full psi set doesn't really have synergy with the rest of the build. Orb of annihilation is nice for clear if you can sustain it, but that requires specifically building around it. Using it in combination with the rest of the psi skills is acceptable as long as you are careful with mana. Even then I was barely able to clear and survive vizjun and fauzt was a grind.

Build only comes alive after getting 2x sagittarius (2x ssu) and then feels comfortable after getting black masq (another ssu).
Gear has to wait for umo/effigy at that point as you can't really afford to use shop mo's on ssu's in the hopes of ramping damage up in the short term to obtain duplicate copies of gear to then perfect later on.

1-5 fairly straight forward.
6 is first encounters with phoboss and it isn't too bad if you know to stack extra cold. Maybe you get lucky there for ssu umo's. If not try to go higher.
7 your only line of defense as psi sin takes a big hit. Avoid goes down by 30% and the map layout doesn't help.
7+ you're basically gambling on whether or not you get popped because your avoid gets tanked. You are also forced to balance range/melee as you must keep shadow refuge active to cap phys resist.

Kiting/stutter stepping with shuriken is mandatory to dodge projectiles and stay alive meaning you can't fully utilize your biggest dmg skill mind ripple. On top of that it doesn't charm in labs so you are on your own to survive. If you can stutter step away from enemies and still hit them with mind ripple at fastest cast breakpoint you might as well try to hit challenger in league of legends as ADC instead.

Get used to dying often unless you are wired on adderall caffeine and never lagspike. Die a ton if you only have 86fhr. Sometimes escape with 200fhr.

Overall can't really suggest this build to a new or even average player as they will hit the midgame wall and probably give up.
Can't suggest this to anyone wanting to play solo self found/no trading.

I can only suggest this to someone that is specifically going for dual sagi vessel sin end game build and even then don't expect to faceroll anything.
Big investment, medium reward, is ok if enjoy active play style and don't mind dying a lot.
Pit Knight
119 | 1
Sapping Guard click box too small

Edited by dasdaadaa 1 year.