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Fruchtlachs wrote:hey i'm relatively new to this game (its really good tho)
and i have a question regarding one last missing piece of a set - the body armor of the poison set for the sorceress
i've already farmed kurast for ages - is there any method like rerolling other setpieces like in D3? i'm clueless

for multiplayere ther also is a recipe: sacred unique+runestone= a corresponding set item.( not a whole set, i believe)
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How do you pierce physical? is there a stat for this
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isthisminecraft wrote:How do you pierce physical? is there a stat for this

I remember only 2 ways

Panthera's Bite
Panthera's Bite
Maiden Pike (Sacred)

Two-Hand Damage: (217 - 236) to (427 - 461)
(Amazon Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 350
Required Dexterity: 590
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.15 per Dexterity)%
Amazing Grace
2% Chance to cast level 10 Superbeast on Kill
5% Chance to cast level 15 Amplify Damage on Striking
Adds 50-125 Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
+(170 to 200)% Enhanced Damage
Slow Target 30%
+150 Life after each Kill
+20% to Experience Gained
50% Magic Find
Socketed (6)
Amplify Damage curse
2. sorc uberskill timefield/chronofiled (dont remember the exact name)
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I found an eth Hellrain (maiden Javelin). What are my options (if any) for restoring quantity?
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wootmcgyver wrote:I found an eth Hellrain (maiden Javelin). What are my options (if any) for restoring quantity?

Throwing skills like Maelstrom, ricochet or Moonbeam don't affect the quantity in MXL. You can only lose the quantity if you use the normal "Throw" ability. So there shouldn't be a need to restore the quantity.

@Sprow: Bane also pierces physical resistance.
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wootmcgyver wrote:I found an eth Hellrain (maiden Javelin). What are my options (if any) for restoring quantity?

throwing skills don't consume quantity.
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ChuckNoRis wrote:unfortunately , no . you must keep farming or find someone to trade for the missing piece

i'm singleplayer, have too shitty internet for multiplayer
now i'm sad :(
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Was in a game and it lagged out. Every time I try to create/join a game I FTJ (Last 15 mins)

What do?
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Make a game with another char, than go back to your main and create a game with it. This usually helps, if not contact with serwer support to "unlock" your char.
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hellgrind wrote:@up
Make a game with another char, than go back to your main and create a game with it. This usually helps, if not contact with serwer support to "unlock" your char.

Ya I tried that... Didn't help.

Was told top wait till server restart... in 17 hours, lol.